Chapter 2

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Who was he? Did she even want to know? Why did something jump in her chest when she looked at him? It couldn't be her heart, she doesn't have one.

She couldn't help but stare at him and savor the little life she felt doing so. As she continued to stare he looked up. The piercing blue of his eyes holding her in place. He looked at her as though he understood, but how could he? She didn't even know him.

She quickly looked down trying to get rid of the foreign feeling in her chest. It was nice while it lasted but now the empty void was back and the life in her had yet again faded away. Glancing down at her forgotten food, she picked it up and removed herself from the lunch table.

Quickly throwing her trash away, she headed to her next class unaware of the blue eyed boy watching as she exited the cafeteria.

Two more periods until the end of the day. English was next, the only period Alex could stand. She enjoyed the way the written word could say what she couldn't. How she felt when she read the dark work of tortured souls.

She was a good twenty minutes early for class. She took her seat in the back and pulled out the drawing she'd recently been working on. She sat in silence until she heard the door open. Assuming it was the teacher she continued to draw. Alex cursed having forgotten her headphones in her room she would be doomed if the teacher attempted at conversation.

She still had ten minutes until class, so she put her head down. She began to slowly drift into her escape when she felt the chair next to her being pulled out and a person sit next to her.

She stayed still, hoping the person would stay silent.

"Hey," says a husky voice next to Alex. She should have known better than to hope.

Even so the voice sent chills up her spine. Who is this person with the beautifully smooth voice next to her?

Slowly lifting her head she turns to take a look at the person who prevented her escape moments earlier.

She was stunned through and through as those same blue eyes from earlier looked back at her. What were the odds the two would have Alex's favorite class together?

"Hi,"said a second voice. Alex was in shock that it was her own.

Her voice sounded soft and uninterested and Alex felt bad for the boys attempt to talk to her. It would end soon when he realised she was nothing inside and therefore didn't care for much of anything let alone small talk.

"How's your day going?" He continued to talk to her.

"Ok," she replied dryly. She didn't mean to be so lifeless, but what do you expect from a girl who's been through what she has. There's nothing she could do about it.

Before he could think of a reply the bell rang and a wave of students began rushing in, filling the room with useless chatter and noise.

The boy hasn't said another word to Alex since class started. Instead he talked with the people around him. Alex didn't mind though, she took this time to study his features.

He had a strong jaw line, and pink lips that were demanding Alex's attention, but she continued to take in his face. Of course he had beautiful blue eyes and dark lashes that framed them perfectly. His dark hair was laid down in a schoolboy kind of style.

Despite his innocent look, you could see the fade of tattoos under his shirt. She looked back up to his face and immediately saw him looking down at her. Knowing she'd been caught she looked away.

"Hey Tristen, why was that weirdo staring at you?" The head cheerleader would be the one to notice as well. Alex silently rolled her eyes and continued her drawing.

"Hey loser, stop being a creep. Staring is rude," she continued with what she thought was verbal abuse, little did she know this was child's play to Alex. She'd been through worse and this didn't phase her.

Alex stayed silent and pretended the Greek god and Barbie weren't next to her. Could Tiffany be any more cliche? She is head cheerleader, had blonde hair blue eyes, and is typically perfect.

Alex hadn't noticed when the bell rang, she just had to get out of there. When she got off the bus she debated whether to go home and risk her mother being home or go to the park and wait to be sure her mother wasn't home.

Not wanting to run into anyone or be bothered by children she decided to take her chances on going home.

She walked into the house and again hoped her mother wasn't home. Sure enough she looked up to see the devil herself sitting on the couch all prim and proper. Alex what have we said about hope, it's useless and only leads to disappointment.

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