Lucy POV
I walk into the guild and take my regular seat at the bar. "Good Morning Lucy!" Mira says cheerfully.
"Morning Mira!" I said. She smiles then she walked over to talk to Lisanna.
I decide to go check the job board when Natsu walks in. "Hey Luce!" He shouts and runs over.
"Hi Natsu!" I say happily. "Want to go on a job today?"
"Sure! Sounds fun! You go pick one and I'll find Erza, Gray, and Wendy," he says and walks off.
I'm a bit surprised that he let me pick the job but shrug it off. I find a good one and take it from the board, then go to look for Natsu.Natsu POV
I'm really excited for this job with Lucy but I really wish it could be just me and her.
I've secretly liked Lucy for a long time. I first realized during the incident with Phantom Lord. I was infuriated when they kid napped her.
I see Erza talking with Wendy and walk over to them. "Wanna go on a job?"
"Sorry Natsu. I promised Wendy that me and her could go on a job today," Erza replies and Wendy smiled at me.
"Okay! See you later!" I say then walk away, a bit more hopeful that we can go alone.
I found the Ice Princess (half naked as usual) talking with Juvia. "We're going on a job today. Wanna come?"
"Sorry I promised Juvia I'd go on a job with her," he replied. Juvia was smothering him with compliments and hanging on to his arm.
I laughed as I walked away. Lucy was waiting for me at the bar with a paper in her hand. "Where are the others?" She asks.
"They can't come so it's just me and you!" I say happily.
"Oh, Okay!" She says and hands the paper to Mira,"We'll take this one,"
We leave and I ask,"What's the job for?"
"We're supposed to get this rare jewel that was stolen back for someone," she replies. I smile and we head to the train.
This is gonna be a long ride.Normal POV
They board the train and the minute it starts to move, Natsu gets sick.
"I'm dying!" he says.
"If you puke on me you will regret it," Lucy warns.
Natsu lays his head on her lap and she blushes a lot. "Natsu!" He doesn't move. After a while she starts to play with his hair and the feeling of sickness fades to the background.
That feels good," he says. Lucy blushes but doesn't stop.
They reach their destination and Natsu, very reluctantly, sits up.
Lucy POVThe train ride was very . . . Interesting. I've never seen Natsu act like that before. It was probably a one time thing but I can't help but think.
I fell in love with Natsu not long after we met. He could always make me smile and was there for me when I needed him. I can't help but hope that he feels the same.
We get off the train and head to the clients house. "Is this it?" Natsu asks when we get there.
"I think so," I say. It's really big and pretty. It looks like someone really rich must own it.
I walk up and knock. Someone answers immediately. "Hello ma'am. Are you the Fairy Tail wizards?" He asks.
"Yep!" I reply happily.
"Please come in," he says and we follow him to what looks like a living room.
"I will tell my mistress that you are here. Would you like any beverages?" He asks.
"Tea would be nice," I say," what about you Natsu?"
He doesn't answer. He's just staring at me. I blush and say,"Hello! Earth to Natsu!"
He blinks a few times and then asks,"Uh . . . What?"
"Would you like anything to drink?" The butler asks again.
"Um no thanks you," he says.
The butler bows and leaves the room. Natsu and I sit in silence.
A few minutes later a women walks in. She is wearing a purple dress and has long brown hair. She has a gentle smile on her face as she walks over to us.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Nilima," she says.
"Hi! My name is Natsu and this is Lucy!" He says excitedly.
"I'm very grateful that you came. This jewel is very precious to me. It was my mother's" she explains.
"We're glad to help," I say with a big smile.
"So do you know who took it?" Natsu asks.
"Yes. It was a dark guild by the name of Black Curse. Their headquarters is just outside of town. It's hard to miss. I would have someone in town retrieve it but alas no one in town is strong enough," Nilima explains.
"Alright! This will be fun!" Natsu shouts.
"Calm down Natsu!" I shout.
Nilima chuckles then says,"It's getting late. Would you like to stay here for the night?"
"If it's not too much trouble," I reply.
"I'd be happy to let you stay! I only have one guest room though," she explains.
"That's fine!" Natsu says immediately. I blush a lot.
"I'll have my butler escort you there," she says.
A little bit later we were settled into our room.
"So who's gonna sleep where?" I ask.
"Umm you take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor," Natsu replies.
"Alright, thanks," I say then lie down. Natsu turns out the lights. I suddenly notice how cold it is.
I curl up into a small ball and attempt to warm myself up but it doesn't do much. I'm shivering as I try to warm up.
"Are you cold?" I hear Natsu ask.
"A little," I reply. Natsu stands up and lies down in bed next to me. He pulls me into his chest.
"N-Natsu!" I shout. "You don't have to-"
"You're warmer now aren't you?" He asks. Even though I didn't want to admit it, it was much warmer now.
"Yeah," I say. I know that I'm blushing and I hope it's too dark for him to see.Natsu POV
I woke up early this morning. Lucy is still in my arms, sleeping peacefully. I start to sit up, trying not to wake her, but fail miserably.
I somehow end up falling off the bed with a loud thud. Lucy shoots up and looks around.
"What happened?" she asks.
"I fell off the bed. Sorry I woke you," I say.
"Oh, it's okay! We should probably start heading out anyway." She said.
We grab our things and tell Nilima that we are going, and should be back soon.
It doesn't take us long to find the dark guild. Their guild hall is huge. Nilima was right when she said it's hard to miss.
"Well let's get this started!" I shout and run in, without a plan as usual. Just the way I like it.
Normal POVThey dark guild immediately starts to fight back. Natsu easily takes out five or six mages with ease. Lucy summons Taurus and Scorpio and pulls out her whip.
"Lucy, you go look for the jewel and I'll handle things here!" Natsu shouts.
Lucy, very reluctantly, nods and runs off. Someone tries to stop her but Natsu clears a path. She sends Taurus and Scorpio back to the celestial spirit world to conserve her energy.
She starts running through a maze of hallways, rooms, and corridors. She soon finds herself staring at a large steal door.
She can't open it so she pulls out her keys. "Open: Gate of the Lion! Leo!"
"How can I help you?" He asks seductively.
"Don't get any ideas," she warns,"Break down that door for me, please."
Loke easily breaks down the door. She sends him back to the spirit world and runs in. In the middle of the room is a beautiful blue jewel, no larger than the palm of her hand.
"That was easier that I thought!" She exclaims, then runs forward.
She picks up the jewel and starts to run out when there is a rumbling noise. Stuff starts crashing to the ground.
"Crap! It must have been boobytrapped."
Natsu POVI'm having a lot of fun taking these wizards down when a rumbling sound stops me. Parts of the ceiling start crashing to the ground.
"Lucy!" I shout. I start to run in the direction she went when I see her running towards me.
"The jewel was boobytrapped! We need to get out of her!" She shouts.
Since she's okay, I start to run to the exit.
I run out just as the entrance collapses. "That was a close one. You okay Luce?" I ask. It when I turn to see her, she isn't there.
"Lucy!" I shout. "Lucy where are you! Are you alright?" I start moving ruble out of the way when I hear a voice say
"Natsu, I'm fine," I turn to see Horologium behind me. Lucy is sitting in the compartment type area.
She steps out with a smile. All of my dear disappears and before I can stop myself, I ran up and kissed her.
When I pull away, she looks at me with wide eyes. "S-Sorry. Let's go back," I say.
I start to turn when she grads my shirt and kisses me. I'm shocked for a second but I kiss back.
When she pulls away she says,"I didn't know you liked me back."
"How could someone not like you? You're the most beautiful girl I know," I say. "You scared me,"
"I'm sorry,"
"It's okay. As long as you're okay."
"I love you Natsu,"
"I love you to Luce. Let's go back home,"
I take her hand and we got back to the guild, together.

Fairy Tail Oneshots
FanfictionJust a bunch of oneshots! Mostly Fraxus and Nalu. You can suggest ships and scenarios in the comments! There are some ships that I will not do such as Miraxus, Nali, Gratsu, stuff like that. I hope you like! I do not own Fairy Tail