Ch. 4 Betrayal

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Roman's POV:
It's strange. I never would've thought that my brother and I would be working with the superheroes, especially saving our father.

Actually, Father's not really the real reason why I'm doing this.

It might be for Riker, but not me.

My reason; Love.

---Flashback - Two years ago---
"Roman, come on. You're going to be late for school.", Father shouted up the stairs.

I was texting my beautiful girlfriend; Joanna, who knew about my powers.

I know that we're not supposed to tell anybody, but she accidentally caught me using my powers, so I had to.

Anywho, we were texting back and forth.

👦Roman: So, what did you decide?
👧Joanna: I don't know, Roman. I mean, we're talking about losing our virginity, here. I mean, I love you, but I'm not ready yet.
👦Roman: It's okay. I won't force you to do something you don't want to do.
👧Joanna: Roman...

I wasn't able to read the rest because Father yelled up the stairs, louder than last time.

"Coming.", I yelled, before turning into a black cloud, and materializing downstairs.

---Time Skip---
Okay, I thought. This is it.

I opened the building doors, revealing a full hallway.

I walked straight to my locker, 405, did my locker combination, and put my bag in the locker.

I spotted Joanna at her locker, 428, so I walked over, taking her hand, and pecking her lips.

"Hey, baby.", she stated, not looking up at me, but down at her phone.

"Here. Let me see that.", I suggested, trying to see her phone, but she quickly took it.

"It's nothing.", she stated, trying to put the phone in her pocket, but I quickly dematerialized, grabbing her phone out of her hand.

"Come on, Roman. That's cheating.", she stated, trying to get her phone back, but I had already looked at it, and, honestly, I'm glad I did.

The text that I read was "You don't deserve Roman, you whore. I don't know what he sees in you.".

That was it.

"Who is this?", I asked, getting mad.

"Honey, just don't worry about it.", she replied, reassuringly, but I still stayed mad.

"No, someone's bullying you. I need to know who it is.", I stated, crossly.

"Fine....", she replied, and the next name made me feel so betrayed.

"It's Riker."., she stated, before I walked off, with fire in my eyes, but then, the 1st-period bell rang.

I'll talk to Riker at home, I thought.

And I walked to my 1st-period class, determined to protect my girlfriend.

---End of Flashback---

It's amazing how, after that time, I still think about Joanna.

She was my first, but the circumstances were nothing if not disappointing.

---Flashback - Two years ago - that night---

All I felt was anger when I got home.

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