Iruka x kakashi

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I finally did a Naruto fanfic hope you enjoy
Iruka pov
"sensei, why don't you and kakashi-sensei get along?" Naruto asked walking into ichiraku ramen and sitting next to me "because erm he's a jonin" I said lamely trying to get out of this conversation, "that's not a good reason not to get on with someone" he said why cant he just let me out of this conversation.

"Naruto what is this about?" I asked after finishing my bowl of ramen, I waited patiently for Naruto to answer my question "I'm just curious" he said obviously lying "Naruto I know you better than this so tell me the truth" I said looking down at him, he sighed then looked up at me.

"sensei do you like kakashi-sensei?" he asked looking up at me innocently, I sighed "I don't know I never thought about it" I lied I did think about it, I mean its not hard to see that kakashi is hot, he's kind, caring, and doesn't hesitate to put himself in danger if it means saving someone's life, but he's a guy and its wrong, could you imagine how much crap we would get.

"sensei are you ok?" he asked worried "yeah I'm fine why?" I asked looking down at him "you look sad, what were you thinking about?" he asked seriously, I put my hand on his head and ruffled his hair like I did when he was a kid "I'm fine, don't worry about me" I said smiling he looked up at me and smiled "you should speak to him" Naruto said softly "what?" I asked confused "iruka your a good person, you and kakashi-sensei were there for me when I was alone and had no one, you both deserve to be happy and I know you two will be happy together" he said he looked at me seriously.

I've never seen Naruto look so much like an adult in my life "Naruto you realise that kakashi probably doesn't like me like that and I don't know how I feel about him, we've never even had a proper conversation where we haven't argued" I said looking away "then speak to him" just as he said this kakashi decided to pop in.

Of course he would show up now of all times I looked away blushing because of the conversation I was having with Naruto "hello iruka, Naruto" he said closing his one showing that he was smiling, "well I need to go see ya" Naruto said abruptly standing and walking away.

kakashi sat down next to me "sorry but I need to leave" I said also standing "do you hate me?" he asked grabbing my wrist to stop me from walking away oh god I thought, I felt butterflies rise when he touched me, I almost laughed at myself feeling like this from one touch "no I don't hate you" I said after remembering he asked me a question "then why do you always walk away when its just the two of us?" he asked still not letting "I don't" I said pulling my arm from his hand "yes you do, your doing it right now" he said looking up at me "I walk away because every time were together we argue," I answered with a sigh "then lets not argue" he said like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"its not that easy" I said annoyed "go on a date with me" he asked out of the blue "fine" "wait your not going to put up a fight" he said shocked "what's the point, you'll just keep asking me until I say yes" I said looking down at him he smiled "you know me so well. I'll meet you here at 6 tomorrow" he said, then he finally let me walk out.

kakashi pov
The day finally came when I had my date with iruka, i waited outside ichiraku ramen for 20 minuets before I realised that he wasn't coming.

I sighed and decided to go home, I started walking  but stopped when Naruto showed up in front of me "hey kakashi-sensei, has your date with iruka already ended?" he asked curiously "no he didn't show up" I replied annoyed and started walking again this time pulling out my book.

"Wait he didn't show up?" Naruto asked shocked now following me, "no he didn't that's why I'm walking home" I said still walking until Naruto stopped me "you need to go and see if he's ok" he said worriedly "Naruto he just didn't want to go out with me that's it" I said "no please go and check on him" he said desperately "fine I'll go" I said sighing and walking the other way and towards irukas house.

when I got there the light was on, I sighed before walking into the building and up the stairs to his apartment, when I finally got there I knocked on the door and waited patiently until he answered the door, he looked terrible, he hair was dishevelled, he was wearing pyjama pants and a old t-shirt with a blanket over his shoulders.

"How did you manage to get a cold in a day?" I asked looking at him softly "I don't know but I did" he said standing to the side and letting me in, I stepped inside looking around, it looked almost as bare as my own home the only difference was that he had pictures up of his parents.

"Are you alright?" I asked he shut the door and started walking towards the livening room "peachy" he said sarcastically "so what are you doing here?" he asked after a few seconds what was I doing here I know Naruto asked me to come here but I could've said no or just say I did, "I came to see why you didn't show up for our date" I said easily sitting down next to him "you should go before you catch this cold" he said leaning away from me, "you know the best way to get rid of a cold is to give it to someone else" I said turning my head so I was looking at him.

"And how do I do that?" he asked looking at me "like this" I said pulling down my mask and kissing him, he sat there shocked for moment before I pulled away pulling my mask up "when I get ill you have to take care of me" I said slyly he smiled slightly "baka" he said simply.

He let me sleep there that night, when I woke up in the morning feeling like shit he took care of me, when I finally got better we went on a date which went pretty well "finally" Naruto said when he seen us walking out of ichiraku ramen holding hands.

I started walking away with iruka when Naruto shouted after us "use protection" we stopped and I looked over my shoulder at Naruto who just laughed while iruka blushed "you shouldn't say stuff like that" I said still laughing.

Iruka carried on blushing, everyone gave us weird looks, "I cant believe he shouted that" iruka finally said "well he is right" I said with a sly smirk pulling down my mask and leaning down and kissing him "don't say stuff like that" he said blushing even more than before.

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