Chapter 16 - Axe

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I hadn't really gained anything from seeing what had happened when Lilly broke out, but I had enjoyed the break. Now I had to go back down into the tunnels looking for the leggings. I didn't like the tunnels, they we're way too hot without the leggings.

That's why I was happy when I remembered something I needed to do, that I used as a excuse to not feel guilty for delaying going in the tunnels.

I jogged up to the top of the Jarl's palace and looked at the axe Lilly had used to try and kill the Jarl. I suddenly felt sick because I remembered the little girl on the floor after Lilly had hit her with the axe. Then I started wondering who the girl was, and why she had jumped in front of the Jarl when Lilly attacked him, but I decided I had more important things to worry about at the moment.

I put my hand on the glass separating me from the axe. Even from behind the glass its glow was blinding, and you could feel its power, like it was cooling you down. This axe could help me I thought. If I asked the Jarl he would surly let me, I'd just say I needed a better weapon.

"Why would you want the axe?" asked the Jarl pacing his room.

I wondered if he ever left this room except for emergencies, such as making a time portal so someone can come back and save your city from dying.

"I'm literally going to save your whole city, or die trying to, and I can't even have an axe" I whined.

"I'm not saying you can't have it, I'm saying why would you want it" he said turning to face me.

"It's just... cool" I said.

"Have it, I don't need it, at least you asked, wouldn't want the Dwarves Law to break" he said, and I swear I saw him grin.

I also knew that the Dwarves Law wouldn't break if I stole something, and I knew the Jarl knew this too, meaning he was lying to me. I was starting to really dislike him. 

"Great then, I'm gonna go get that axe... bye" I said as I disappeared behind the door.

I walked over to the glass case the axe was in and opened it. It wasn't locked so I really don't see the reasoning behind Lilly smashing the glass when she came to kill the Jarl. Surprisingly it wasn't that heavy, it was as light as my daggers, which was nice because I could just hang it on my belt without it pulling down my leather trousers. 

Now it was time to go back in the tunnels.

I made my way down into the prisons, ignoring Lilly this time, and entered the tunnels. 

The City Of Angof | Agnes Darin #1Where stories live. Discover now