An Old Friend of Hers

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Timothy thought, and he thought, this was very hard for him considering his lack of intelligence.  Hmm, he thought, Hmm. Then he had it, the blond girl she used to hang out with! He struggled to remember her name, Penelope? Sarah? Lily? Tori? Victoria? Yes that was it, Victoria...

Timothy frantically searched up Victoria, up popped an author. There she was , a slightly older blond haired blue eyed woman staring back at him from the McDonald's computer. Her address was labeled at the edge of her website.

"You really shouldn't do that." He muttered to the picture of the lady. "Stalkers might find your house...." He began to leave McDonalds, his head held high, he began to walk faster, he didn't have a car, couldn't afford it. He had asked for a pay raise from his manager, Brody, or Brady??? He called him Brody anyways. Brody had yelled at him and said, "IN THE NAME OF THE TEETH!!!!" Which no one except his two assistant managers John and Jordan, who would laugh hysterically and murmur,' oh yes the tooth'.

As Timothy walked along the side of the road, he smiled at the cars passing by, he stopped after a while because the drivers would repulse and crash at the sight of him. As Timothy walked and he walked and he walked he finally found Victoria's house, which was surprisingly large and very, very white. It seemed to Timothy as if there was not a speck of dirt on it.

He approached the house and knocked on the door. A little kid opened it. "Hi." Timothy smiled.

"MOTHER!!!!" The child screeched. "THE BOOGEY MAN'S AT THE DOOR!!!! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!!!!" The child ran, arms flailing and slammed the door in his face. The blond lady opened the door and smiled.

"Sorry 'bout that." She smiled. "Autograph?" She smiled again.

"No. I remember you from when I was in middle school. I'm Timothy." The door was once again slammed in his face. It opened once again.

"Sorry..." She forced a smile this time. She stepped away from the door. "Come in?"

"Yeah, sure." He walked into a large living room that branched off to two hallways.

"Sit." He did. "Timothy, I am going to assume you came here to apologize."


"What are you here then for?"

"I have questions. Where does Colleen live now?"

"On earth, or how about I give you another hint in the universe." She said in a slow and mocking tone.

Timothy scratched the back of his neck. "You still remember that?"


"What about her husband, this 'Adam' dude?"

"Adam?" She asked surprised. "You know about him?" Timothy nodded. "Adam, he's an actor, always has been, he's really good too-"

"I know, I went to go see him."

It was her turn to nod. "She writes most of the movies and plays he's in, usually she'll write a book with him as the main character, and most of her kids have starred in movies, she also substitute teaches, mostly for me." She swallowed. "Adam, when he decided to date Colleen in high school, he had a girlfriend, the way he broke up with her, well that wasn't always the best way to let someone down-"

"Hey, Victoria?" A man called. "Why is Peony crying?" The male voice was met with a shortish man with red hair and pale skin. "Oh. Hi!" He said suddenly when he saw Timothy. "Who's he?"

"I don't exactly know.." Victoria looked puzzled. "Zachary, I think you should go back and tell Peony everything's going to be okay, he's a fan of Colleen's."

"Ok." Zachary said.

"I think I should leave.."

"That's probably best." Victoria said and showed him out.

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