Chapter 18

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   Water pours down in thousands of warm drops; they drop by my side as I lean against the cool tiled wall. The steamy waters sensations make my surroundings look like a foggy illusion, almost thick enough to the point where it is hard to breathe. My knees threaten to buckle.

   My hair sticks to my face and neck like wet clothing as my hands glide down my cheeks. "Everything is alright," I mumble to myself. "She was just a mean little girl who wanted to hurt you because she was hurting herself."

   After working the conditioner into my hair and letting it soak in, I step under the current, letting it massage my scalp and upper back. "You're a caring, pretty, and lovable girl; you have a mate, you are not alone."


   My eyes shoot open, but they do not see much through the steam. It is Eric. "Yes?" I hesitantly yell back.

   "Are you alright? Caroline said you were not feeling well."

   Damn. "I'm fine." My cheeks warm up in remembrance of his actions; the soft touch, the romantic gesture, but it was all for his own amusement. Does he like making me feel wanted, only to reject the idea later? Is this a game, and am I the pawn?

   No Isabella, that is Talia talking.

   "Alright, I'll be downstairs," he tells me before for, I assume, leaving the room.

   After a few more minutes in the shower, I cut off the water and wrap myself in one of the many towels. The mirror is clouded over, not letting me see an inch of my reflection, but only blurs.

   Thinking that Eric is downstairs, I swing the bathroom door open wide to let the steam air out. I return to the counter with the towel secured around my body, covering all that should be covered. The mirror begins to clear at the edges, and I decide to grab my clothes as I wait.

   Heading across the hall, I briefly enter the guest room and the closet to grab my pajamas, as I feel like staying home for the rest of the day—unless Caroline calls. With my things in hand, I mindlessly step out and close the door behind me before walking back to the bedroom.

   Just as I slip back in, I jump, and my heart suffers a minor attack at the sight of Eric standing in the center of the room. Breathing heavily, I try to calm the racing beats. "You scared me," I murmur and lean against the wall.

   Coming back to reality, I notice him staring at me harshly. "What is it?" I ask.

   Confused, I glance down and notice my clothes, the towel, my red skin... A strong, short gasp floods my lungs, and my face flushes. My arms wrap around my chest, holding onto the towel for dear life as if there are now tiny elves yanking it down. Swiftly, I sprint into the bathroom and shut the door in the blink of an eye. "Why," I mumble and throw my head against the door. Not only have I managed to embarrass myself twice today, but the second included revealing plenty of my body to Eric.

I slide down the door and hit the bathroom floor. Tears threaten to spray from my eyes like a cartoon character.

"Isabella," Eric calls from the other side. "That was my fault; I came back upstairs to tell you that Kendra called."

I swallow and toss my clothes to the side as one tear streams down my cheek, then another, then another. "Why are you such a mess?" I whisper. "She got in my head. I let her in."

"I'm sorry Isabella, do you need me to leave the bedroom?"

I bite my lip, trying to sound okay, "No, I'll be out in a second."

I stand up and remove the towel, avoiding my reflection, before quickly putting on my pajamas. As soon as I am finished, I fan my eyes then walk out the door. Eric is sitting on the bed, and I catch his attention. "It's okay, no big deal," I tell him, not letting him speak before I do.

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