Chapter 34

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The car ride is not quiet at all. Since Kendra had plenty of sleep, she is terribly energized and bursting with excitement. The two guards up front have the skill of shutting people out, as their relaxed faces are not reflected onto me. I love Kendra with all my heart, but the girl cannot sit still. Finally, we stop the car so I can grab her one of the books she packed with her things. Once A Wrinkle in Time is locked in her hands, Kendra's lips are sealed.

My confusing dream had me up for most of the night, so I lay my head down on Kendra's lap, and I take a small nap. She rests the book on my head as she gets lost in the pages.

Time flys by and before I know it, Kendra is shaking me awake, cheering that we are here. "Come on; I want to get out!"

I tiredly sit up and rub my knuckles into my eyes. The guards get out and fetch the bags while Kendra pops open her door and jumps out. I have an urge to lay back down and forget about everything, but not a second later Kendra opens my door and attempts to pull me out. Why must everything come out?

"Come on, Isabella," she whines, "I've been waiting all night!"

I groan and nod, giving in. When I walk around the car towards the truck, I notice the guard's attention is stolen by something in the distance. Peering in that direction, my eyes grow wide. Sebastian, Eric, Alpha Kenn, Heath, Evangeline, and even Landon, all clumped together while shouts are exchanged swiftly between them. Kendra asks me what is going on, but I tell her to stay here with the guards before rushing over to the small mob.

"You caused all this, running off into unclaimed land and provoking—"

"I did not provoke anything."

"You two calm down, this is not the time."

"He's the reason why Lucas is missing. Rogues that he led here probably killed him!"

"How can you say that? You're sister—"

"Evangeline, please, go home. I'll handle our son."

"Handle me? Remember what happened last time."

"Eric!" Evangelical shouts as I near. She notices me and crosses her arms. "All of this in front of Isabella, how wonderful."

Eric looks my way, now realizing that I am here, seeing everything. "What is going on?" I question and gape at everyone, ignoring Alpha Kenn. "Why is everyone fighting?"

"Not everyone," Evangeline mutters. "Those two."

Glancing at Sebastian and Eric, I wait for an answer.

"We are leaving," Sebastian says and pulls Evangeline with him. She bickers with him as they walk away.

Not looking to Heath, Landon, or Alpha Kenn, I grab Eric and lead him back to the car. When we are at a safe distance, I turn to him and cross my arms myself. "What the heck happened?"

   "You kissed Alpha Kenn."

   The words leave his lips, I see them move, but I cannot seem to believe that is what he truly said. Where did it come from? The yelling did not sound like it was on this topic, the topic I have been avoiding and failing to do so.

   "What?" The single word is all that I can manage to spit out.

   "Why didn't you tell me? How could you—"

   "I did not kiss Alpha Kenn, he kissed me, and I pulled away immediately." Eric does not seem convinced as he begins to turn away, but my hands grasp onto his arm. "You don't get to be mad at me. He kissed me. I didn't ask for it; it was all sudden and surprising and unwanted—"

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