Chapter 37

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   Eric stands quietly, refusing to sit down. The room seems to grow smaller as we wait for the pair as if the truth is preparing to rain down and suffocate us. I am expecting something well planned, something selfish from Alpha Kenn, but who can blame him for acting like an Alpha. The way he went about it was unusual, though: slowly and carefully digging a way in, gaining my trust. He has done it all only to leave. Maybe he wasn't planning that until Eric kicked him out, or maybe he got what he needed from the office and had to reason to stay any longer.

   Caroline and a rested-looking Lucas enter and wake both of us up. She studies Eric, looking for any signs of hostility.

   "I'm not going to hurt him. Now sit down," Eric orders, and the two follow. "You're going to tell me what you know, or things are going to get ugly."

   Caroline crosses her arms, "Stop threatening him. He's going to tell you whether you play bad cop or not."

    I ignore the siblings bickering and turn to Lucas. "Anything will be helpful. We understand that you're doing this for the protection of your Mate. Caroline told me that Alpha Kenn had planned this."

   "Yes," he begins, "my Alpha discovered that we were mates and he used it to his advantage. He told me to disappear for a while. I questioned it, but he only became angry when I did, so I just listened, thinking I would get to see Caroline again next week. More days went by, and I asked if I could see her, and Alpha Kenn ordered me to stay away longer. After I wouldn't stop asking, he finally told me that he was building a relationship with you." His eyes stare at me, and I see Eric becoming uneasy and tense. "He wanted you to trust him, to protect him if Alpha Tate questioned his actions. It wasn't until another few days had passed that he told me he wanted to take over your pack."

   "So he wants my land? He wants my pack gone as a threat?"

   Lucas shakes his head, which has me more intrigued. "He wants your position."

   "But he's an Alpha?" I ask, confused. "What do you mean his position?"

   "He wants to be Alpha of this pack; he wants your Luna as his, he wants to combine both and rule over all."

   "But he has a Mate!" I burst up out of frustration and anger. "It's not my fault that he got rejected. H-He can win her back—"

   Lucas shakes his head. "He rejected his Mate."

   "But he told me—ugh! This is insane. So what, he wants your life and a little more?" I look to my mate, feeling the need to break something. "W-Well he can't have me! I'm not something to be taken."

   "He's not going to get near you, Isabella. He is obviously deranged. Where is he now, do you—"


   Standing on the stairs is Kendra, hair tousled and eyes puffy from hours of needed sleep. She wanders down the steps, and I meet her at the bottom. I look to the group, signaling them to continue in my absence. Leading Kendra to the kitchen, I pull out the stool for her, and Marina smiles. "Hello. And who is this?"

   "My younger sister, Kendra. She's visiting for a few days."

   "How lovely. Are you hungry, dear?"

"Now that I think about it, yes. Do you know how to make pancakes in the shape of hearts?"

"Kendra," I scold lightly, giving Marina an apologetic look. "She's not your personal chef."

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