Chapter 36

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"What is that?"

"Eric's mark."

"Isabella," Caroline rushes towards me to get a closer look, "that's serious. That's—wow." An excited look casts over her face, and I am surprised. With Lucas missing, I thought seeing the mark would make her depressed.

"Are you okay?" I ask and take my seat at the kitchen counter. Marina greets me and I give her a smile with questioning eyes. She shrugs. Marina, too, has grown used to Caroline's depression over her mate.

"I'm fine. Where's Kendra?"

"She's still sleeping," I say, "she hasn't slept much until last night. Did Eric stop by, was there any news on the search?"

Caroline blushes. "No, no news."

"Then what's going on? I'm confused."

"What do you mean?"

I raise an eyebrow and tug her off her seat. Dragging her into the living room, I let go and cross my arms. "What are you hiding? I know you're hiding something. You've been moping around for the past week and now you seem fine—better than fine."

Caroline crosses her own arms. "What are you talking about, Isabella? I'm just happy about your mark."

"Tell me."

"There is seriously nothing to tell you, stop being weird," she tries to convince me, then makes a move for the kitchen. Now very used to stopping people, I grab her arm. "Isabella, I'm being serious. There is nothing—uh! Stop looking at me like that!"

"Not until you tell me what you're hiding!"

"I'm not hiding anything!"

Like her sister, I dramatically let go. "Fine. Then I'll search."

"Fine. Y-You're nothing going to find anything."

"Fine," I tell her and make my way up the stairs. As expected, she follows right behind me.

"Why are you going upstairs?"

"I said I was searching."

She groans again. "Fine, Isabella, fine! You want to know?"

I quickly turn around. "Yes, I do!"

"Stop yelling," Marina shouts to us from the kitchen, like a mother scolding her children.

"Tell me," I say quietly, but with a fire to my tone.

"Alright, alright. I was going to tell you last night but I heard shouting from the bedroom so I didn't. But, last night, something happened. I was outside walking around, I couldn't sleep, and suddenly something grabbed me. I thought it was whatever got Lucas, so I tried to scream and get free, but the touch—it was him," she explains and my eyes widen. "Lucas, he's in my room."

"W-What? He's okay?"

A smile stretches across her face. "He's perfectly fine, but that's not all." Her tone changes. "He told me a few things and I'm not sure how to say it. He also told me not to tell anyone, so you can't tell Eric that he's here."

"What? Why? What's wrong?"

"Alpha Kenn, he told Lucas to disappear."

"That doesn't make sense. Why would he ask his own Beta to disappear?"

Caroline takes a deep breath. "Alpha Kenn is planning something."

   Leaning against the railing, I bring my hand to my forehead, not believing what she is saying. "This is—I don't know—"

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