What are you doing?

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"Eret?" I asked taking a step towards him," are you ok?"

" Just don't make the same mistakes as I did! Don't pull her into this anymore than She already is!" He shouted getting angry,"Don't- don't hurt her, please," he said." You have so many things that are coming back to bit you in the ass and I don't want her getting Hurt!"

"Eret what the hell are you talking about! I mean honestly! Does anything you say make sense!"( HTTYD 2 quote)

" a-and since when do you care!" I shouted.

"I know your dad has tried to get a hold of you! I know someone was watching you and Astrid! And I know that Astrid was one of dragos damn experiments!" He shouts back his fangs starting to show.

"H-how do you know that?" I said.

"I told you I got an eye on you, way before this Astrid thing popped up, you're going to hurt her, all because you couldn't restrain yourself from being a hero." He spat.

That.was.it. I've. Had. Enough.

I lunged at Eret talking him to the ground and punched him across his jaw. He rolled over so he had the advantage, but I kicked him in the shin and he winced. I took that as a chance to stand up and gain balance.

He stood up too and threw a punch I blocked it and went to punch him but someone got a hold of my arm right as I threw it back.

Causing me to hit them in the face. "Aghhh!"they shouted in pain, I quickly turn to sees a blond girl holding her nose. I turned my full attention to Astrid and grabbed her shoulders in concern.

"I told you. You can't protect her.....not even from yourself," Eret said before walking out the door taking his stuff with him.

I ignored what Eret said," are you ok? I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you!" I say pulling her hands from her face.

My heart stops when I see it run from her nose and over her pink lips that are now stained from it.

Astrids POV

Hiccup pulled my hands from my face for me to see blood on them.

My eyes don't pop out of my head

I don't punch hiccup

I'm not scared

I'm not even mad

I'm not crying

I hardly even react

"Wow you got a good punch there," I say tasting blood on my lips. It's a foul taste in my mouth.

I look at hiccup

He doesn't move

He doesn't speak


He does..

Let go of me

His eyes look broken and hungry

He chest stops moving

He goes pale

He steps backwards

He puts his hands in his hair

"Hiccup? Are you... ok?" I ask stepping closer.

He doesn't reply

"Hiccup please answer me? I'm not mad at you, it was an accident," I say getting even closer.

He steps back twice

"I'm a monster............." he whispers.

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