A single night

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(WARNING!!! Not very PG)

Hiccups POV

It was dark already an Astrid was looking tired. She wouldn't let me drive because she said we were going somewhere. Somewhere that nobody else knew about.

She started towards the ditch every now and then and I would have to turn the radio up. I told her to stop at a few motels but she refused for obvious reasons.

I looked over to Astrid and she started closing her eyes and as I expected started drifting towards the ditch.

I grabbed the wheel and kept us on the road. Astrid was woke by that and smacked my hand.

"I've told you this a million times. You're not allowed to drive!"she said keeping her eyes on the road.

"Well I don't feel like dying today!!!"I snapped back. I hated arguing with her and it hurt me every time we did. I could tell it hurt her too.

" Astrid can we please pull over? You've been awake for almost two days continuously driving," I said worried about her health.

"Does it really bother you that much?"she asked.

"Yes it does," I replied.

She sighed and slowly pulled the car into an abandoned building parking lot.

She unbuckled and crawled into the back seat and started to lay the seats down.

"What are you doing?" I asked unbuckling.

She looked at me and replied," I'm making a bed with the seats."

"Oh, where do I sleep?" I asked.

She dropped her head and shook slowly.

"Next to me you idiot," she said embarrassed.

"Oh, ok."

I crawled into the back with her and grabbed the on pillow and blanket we had.

We made ourselves comfortable. With me on my back with my arm around her shoulders. Then her curled into a ball and hugging my chest.

"Astrid why do you blame yourself for this?" I asked.

"Because I made you chase after your dad," she said clearly.

"Well I'm glad you made me go after him. I got to tell him I forgive him," I said squeezing her tight.

"You did?" She said.

"Yeah I did, and I think he wouldn't have rather died any other way. I don't mean to be selfish or anything but I could tell he wanted to see me badly. So he kind of got a dying wish if you think about it." I said tearing up.

Astrids POV

I sat up and looked at hiccup and pulled him into a hug. He buried his face into my neck and sobbed. He pulled away moments later and rested his head on mine.

" have I ever told you that I love you?" He asked.

"Yeah, and I love you too," I said back closing my eyes and kissing his soft lips.

He kissed back and it became more intense. I laid on my back with hiccup on top of me. Then it clicked. I had the thought in my head.

Are we ready for that? Ok, am I ready for that?

" Hiccup?" I asked as he kissed up and down my neck.

"Yeah?" He said gasping for air.

" Do you remember the talk about, you know, before this mess started?"

He stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes with a questionable look in his eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

"Are we, ready for that?"I asked.

"Well I guess I am," he said with his face turning red.

"Well I think I am too," I said the corner of my mouth twitching up.

"Astrid, you realize it's dangerous," he said.

"Yeah I know the risks but I'm a werewolf too, I can handle it," I said.

"Are you su-" I cut him off by smashing my lips onto his.

(This is where it's not PG!!!)

He crawled back on top of me and pulled the hem of my shirt. I pulled my shirt off and then he did the same. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he ran his fingers up and down my sides.

At this point we no longer had on clothes and hiccup was squeezing my sides really hard. I could feel my hips bruising. I dug my nails into his back as we moved together in a sort of rhythm.

Hiccup then started kissing my neck and he 'nibbled' my neck. He bit my neck so hard I thought it was going to snap in half. I sort of let out a scream.

Hiccup looked me in the eyes with an alarmed look in his eyes. But I could hardly tell his eyes looked evil. He looked like he was in pain. I cupped his cheeks with my hands and looked straight into his eyes.

"Hiccup are you ok?"

"Are you ok? You screamed, am I hurting you?" He asked, but the worry in his voice made him squeeze my upper arm so tight a tear ran down my face. And everything became blurry....

It's short I know..... I'm sorry but it was a little hard to write. I wouldn't have updated if Specialist01 wouldn't have commented something really nice. It made my day. Thank you all for reading. I'll see you guys when I see you guys bye!!

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