My New School

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Rose’s POV

Man I hate waking up early for school. Just once I would like to get up of a morning do what I want and not worry about school or by getting yelled at by my annoying goody too shoe sister. I wake up to here a guy with a sexy voice at my door. I really couldn’t hear what was being said but the next thing I heard was… “ROSE GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE NOW WE ARE LEAVING!!!” gosh she is so bossy! Ever since mum died she acts like my mother. Cant she just be my sister and just be my friend to. Is that so hard to ask for. Well I better get out of bed I want to put a face to the sexy voice. I quickly got dressed and put my hair up into a nice bun. I ran down the stairs and OMG this mystery guy was as sexy as his voice.

I quickly kissed my Aunt Clara goodbye and ran out the door and hooped into the sexy guys car with my sister there was also this other guy in the car but he wasn’t as sexy. “I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. My name is Nick. The guy in the back is Jake my younger brother.” “HI well I’m sure you know who I am because my sister just happened to embarrass me in front a sexy guy standing at my front door.” Oh my god what did I just say!! He probably thinks I’m an idiot! Everyone in the car started to laugh so hard. I went bright red and felt like I was going to cry. I just hoped the school was close by so I could run to the bathroom and cry. Then I heard the sexy voice again “well thank you I think”

When we arrived at school I practically jumped out of the awkward car. Jake walked up behind me which scared me “I’m sorry for the way I acted in the car I just have this weird feeling when I’m around you. Would you like me to show you to the front office? We might have some classes together.” I felt like I already had a stalker at my new school because he said he felt something. Great. Why is it the cute guys always end up freaking me out in some way. “Yea sure I would like that”.

Sam’s POV

I got out of the car and straight away Nick was next to me. I think I might like him if we could get to know each other just a little bit more. I feel there is something he isn’t telling me. “Sam I have to go I have to meet up with my friends but I will see you later.” “Yea sure meet up at lunch?” wow I hope we get to know each other better soon. “Yea I would love that.” If only I could read minds. I walked towards the front office wondering where my sister was. Hmm oh well she will find her way. I was in my own world when I ran straight into a girl. “Oh my god I am so sorry, I was in my own world and I’m lost” I just made a total idiot of myself on the first day yay. “It’s alright. Hey your new here aren’t you?” I nodded my head. “My name is Diana and this is my boyfriend Adam” wow was Adam cute but not as cute as Nick. There was something about Adam, I felt like I had known him my whole life but I only just met him. It was really weird oh well I was interrupted in my own world by someone couching trying to get my attention. “Oh whoops sorry Diana I’m just a little nervous about today and I don’t really know anyone.” “it’s ok, I used to be the new kid but after a week I was fitting in perfectly fine, would you like me to help you get to the front office and to class?” oh thank god someone offered I was really lost. “That would be great”

Diana and ended up nearly having every class together which was a good thing because I didn’t know anyone else. I had one class with Nick but I couldn’t get anywhere near him because some girl was sitting next to him. Diana caught up to me and started walking with me. “Hey do you want to hang out with my group today at lunch? I’m sure they would love to meet you.” I hurting people down but now I have to. “Umm I already have plans but thank you anyway maybe another time.” Great now she looked sad.

I went and put all my books away in my locker and started to go look for my sister to find out how her day was going. “Hey Rose how is your day going?” and who is this guy, I didn’t want to ask because it would embarrass her again and I don’t think she wants that. “It’s been great I have made so many friends. How has yours been?” and no mention about the guy hmm I will ask that when we get home. “Yea mine has been good. Well I better go because I am meant to be meeting up with Nick, bye”

I walked off and tried to find Nick. I didn’t find Nick but I found Diana “hey you wouldn’t know where Nick Armstrong is by any chance do you?”  “As a matter of fact I do he hangs out with us, but he is probably off with Melissa making out. There kind of friends with benefits if you know what I mean.” My heart sunk when I heard that “oh ok then so I will hang out with you guys then if that’s ok?” I am so heartbroken because of what she just told me. “Yea sure. Everyone this is Sam. Sam this is Faye, Cassie and you know Adam. Please make her feel welcome in our friend Group.” Cassie seemed like a nice person but I don’t think I like Faye. I heard her talk for the first time “it’s time we told her” what told me what? I was so confessed but that wasn’t a first. “Faye no she isn’t up to it.” Still confessed here I thought. “Shut up Adam, you are such a goody too shoes, Sam you are a witch, a full blooded witch. Now you must join us so we can bind our circle.” What a witch? There is no such thing! “Sam please just let me explain more. Faye was way out of line when she said that but it’s true.” Great I finally meet people and they think I’m gullible. “Look nice joke you had me there for a second but I don’t believe you. So you can cut the joke.” I was nearly ready to walk off on them but Adam spoke up. “Sam this isn’t a joke now if you let me explain.” That was it I ran off.  i couldnt take anymore of that joke.

What will happen to Sam will she believe what she was told or will she think its a joke.

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all characters belong to L.J.Smith except Rose, Sam and Aunt Clara.

Love Jess xxoo

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