The Truth

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Heyy guys so here is my next chapter. i hope you like it. please vote, comment and or tell your friends. i would really apprisiate it.

if you have any ideas for the next chapter please tell me. If its good enough i will dedicate Chapter 4 to you.

ily guys.

Jess xxoo


Sam’s POV

The final bell rang I just wanted to get home and try and think about what happened at lunch. I was still shocked. I saw Nick standing at his car with his brother whose name has slipped my mind and my sister. As soon as I walked over to the car Nick came over and gave me a hug “sorry I wasn’t there at lunch I forgot I had other plans” does he think I am stupid? “Yea I figured. I was told that you were off making out with Melissa behind some portable. Real smooth if you ask me.” Great now I sound like a jealous bitch. “How do you know? And where nothing, she is just my friend. I don’t have to explain myself to you!” oh shit now he hates me. “Umm I know because Faye told me, I was hanging around with Diana, Adam, Cassie and Faye. They told me where you were because I asked. If you must know to I don’t think I want to hang out with you and your friends anymore. They tried to tell me I’m a witch but there are no such things.” I was crying now. Great now I’m a crying jealous bitch.

Nick’s POV

“How do you know? And where nothing, she is just my friend. I don’t have to explain myself to you!” who is she my mother? “Umm I know because Faye told me, I was hanging around with Diana, Adam, Cassie and Faye. They told me where you were because I asked. If you must know to I don’t think I want to hang out with you and your friends anymore. They tried to tell me I’m a witch but there are no such things.” As if Faye told her! She wasn’t ready to know. We only just meet her. “I’m sorry what did you say about being a witch?” I have to make her believe it. “Sam please don’t freak out but what Faye said is true you’re a witch. All of us are. Please just believe me. If I have to I will prove it.” Great now I have to prove it. I hope this works. “Prove it. How will you do that?” I pulled the car over and we both got out. We walked into the woods and I found our little secret house of witchery. I laughed to myself when I thought that. “Nick where are we going?” I just ignored and kept walking.

As we walked up the front steps I heard a scream come behind me. I turned around and I started to laugh. Sam had fallen through one of the broken bits of the wood. It was so funny. “Don’t laugh! Please help me out of this stupid whole!” I stopped laughing but I still had a smile on my face. “Here give me your hand.” She gave me her hand and I pulled her out of the whole. I helped her into the house and sat her down on the couch. “So you going to prove it? Or did you just get me here so you can use me?” what use her? “NO I brought you here to show you. Now you see the water.” She nodded. “watch.” I made the bottle of water levitate off the table.  By the look on her face I think she was shocked. I dropped the bottle when I heard clapping.

Faye’s POV

I walked up the stairs to go up to the couch and where we keep our herbs and other things I don’t really care about. I had a bad day and bloody stupid Diana yelled at me for the way I treated Sammie I think or something like that. As I got higher up the stairs the voices got louder. Eww it was Nick and all I heard was “watch.” Great he better not be having sex with Melissa again. The last time I walked up the stairs he was and I almost vomited. I slowly walked up the stairs and I saw Nick and that Sam person. He was levitating MY bottle of water. Great now I have to burn it. I started to clap and he dropped the bottle. “Shit Faye you’re not meant to just scare people especially witches.” I laughed at that because it was funny. “Well sorry but you actually got to perform a spell and not make anything blow up. Oh hello Sammy” if he made my bottle blow up he would have been dead meat. “Actually Faye it’s just Sam as in short for Samantha. And by the way you could have told me I was a witch a bit nicer. Maybe I would of believed you and I can’t believe I am a witch this is so exciting!”

Great if she keeps acting like this everyone will find out about us and we won’t be the secret circle anymore. “Look you have to keep this a secret, no one can know. And it’s not that exciting being a witch it actually sucks.” Well some of it does but if we bind the circle it will probably suck more.

Back Home

Rose’s POV

My new school was ok I had made some new friends and was fitting in perfectly well. I think in the next few days I would have a boyfriend. His name is Matthew. He is so cute and sweet and he just gets me. I was stopped in my thoughts when the doorbell rang I heard my Aunt Clara “ROSE CAN YOU GET THE DOOR IM BUSY.” “SURE AUNT CLARA NOT LIKE IM BUSY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT.” Well I will be getting in trouble later for that. Oh well a week grounding isn’t that bad because It only lasts about a day. I ran down to the door and answered it. “Hello can I help you?” he was kind of cute to. What is with guys being cute in this town? “Umm I think I might have the wrong house, I’m looking for Sam. Does she live here?” of course looking for my sister. “Yes she does but she hasn’t come home yet she went to hang out with Nick.” The other cute guy I made a fool of myself in front tomorrow. I shook of the memory. “Oh ok thanks anyway.” He left and I ran back up the stairs.

I had heaps of homework to do so I was busy with that and then my phone rang it was an unknown number. I wonder who it is.  “Hello?” “I know what you are rose and I know what your sister is. You better not do anything stupid or you will end up losing everyone you love.” “Look nice joke now who the hell are you?” then the phone hung up. Great some random threatening me about who I am. What was I?


DUN DUN DUN....... who was the guy in the phone? will Rose take the phone call seriously or will she start thinking its a joke. I wonder if she will confront her sister about it.

Tell me what you think.

Jess xxxooo

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