To Believe Or Not To believe

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Sam’s POV

I had to tell Rose she couldn’t live without hearing this. She might just act like I did when Nick told me but she need to know. “Well this may sound weird. I didn’t believe it to start off with but were both witches. And it’s the absolute truth.” It was the truth well it was yesterday. “A witch. Sam I had this guy call and it was really weird he said he knew what you and I were. I thought it was a joke but turns out it isn’t. He said if we did anything he would hurt the ones we loved.” What the ones we loved. I couldn’t let this happen. “Who was the guy Rose?” “I don’t know he never said and when I asked he hanged up.” Great a hung up mystery call. “Give me a second I need to call Nick. He is a witch as well by the way. So are all of my friends.” That wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

*on the phone to Nick*

“Heyy you have reached Nick. Sorry can’t get to the phone right now leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.”

“Nick its Sam please call me back soon its important. Bye.”

*the phone disconnected8

Great I hate when people don’t pick up. Maybe I will call Diana.

*on the phone to Diana*

“Hello Diana speaking”

“Diana its Sam I need to talk to you.”

“What’s up Sam?”

“Well this random dude called my sister saying he knew what we were and he would hurt our loved ones if we did anything. I told her about us being witches and she understands but I’m freaking out about this dude.”

“Ok Sam doesn’t worry. I will call everyone else and we will meet at the house and talk.”

“Ok I will bring Rose along and we will be there soon. Bye.”

“See you soon Sam”

*the phone disconnected.*

I walked into Rose’s room. “Rose put some shoes on were going out. You’re going to meet the other witches.” This will be good for her. “Ok give me a sec.” I walked down stairs to find Aunt Clara sitting on the couch. “Hello Aunt Clara. Is it ok if Rose and I go out for a bit? We haven’t really bonded since we got here.” Please say yes. I don’t fancy climbing out the window again. Don’t ask.“Yea sure be home before 10pm ok. You guys have school tomorrow. This reminds me. How was your first day? Make any friends?” Great questions I just want to get out of here. “Yea it was good and yes I did make some friends. Rose got a boyfriend which is more important than me making friends.” Ha-ha pay back is a bitch Rose. That’s for what you said when I had a boyfriend. That didn’t last long though. “I’m sorry what a boyfriend? ROSE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO NOW BEFORE YOU LEAVE!” please don’t ground her we have to go.

Rose’s POV

ROSE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO NOW BEFORE YOU LEAVE!” oh great I’m getting yelled at again. What do I have to explain? “Yes Aunt Clara?”please don’t take too long. “What is it I hear about you already having a boyfriend?” I shoot a glare at Sam. Thanks a lot. “Well I meet this guy at school and I just felt like he was the one.” It’s the truth. “Well then I guess I’m happy for you. When do I get to meet him?” no not the meeting the family. You will make him run away and never stop. “What about tomorrow? His coming over afterschool.” Hopefully. “That will be wonderful can’t wait.” Yay!! “Fine. Well we gotta run bye.” We ran out the door to Sam’s car. So unfair that she can drive.

“Where are we going Sam?” I was like lost. “We are going to this abandoned house and it’s where we will always go from now on. “It’s true it will be like our second home.“So do I get to meet everyone?” nah shit. “Of course and they all want to meet you.” I saw a smile form across her face. “So what are their names?” now I have to remember. “Well there is Diana, Adam, Nick, Melisa, Cassie and Faye. She doesn’t like me much.” It was true she didn’t. “I doubt that your one of those people that can be hated.” I smiled.

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