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Five years ago

"Connor, I never understood your shitty ways, she loved you quit fucking her over". I looked into my brothers hooded eyes, demanding a crack, but never finding one.

"Stop fucking cussing! And plus. What do you know, you're only thirteen Kate. Love is just a oral story, always talked about, never really happens." He looked at me. And it hurt me because, he really believed that filthy lie.

"Liar! Love is real. Just because you're a donkey dick doesn't mean i won't fall in love"! I yelled at him. Hoping my words had some effect on him, only to hear him reply with an evil chuckle.

"Love? The fuck do you think? Do you really think Kissing Adym under a rotten tree is love? Do you think you will grow old, and have babies? Marry? Get a house? It's all absurd and pathetic." He yelled at me. I winced at the hatred in his voice. 

I looked at him. Hurt eyes.

"You really think life will go your way? Sorry to crush your dreams sis, but life is shit. It'll bash your head into the ground continuously, break your skull. Let the blood seep out of your head, and drink it"!

"GOD WILL PROTECT ME, MOM ALWAYS TOLD US THAT"!! I yell. Tears coming out of my stubby eyes.

"Mom? Where the fuck is she? Still think she's away for work? Trust me, she's never coming back. And plus. God is an invention. Made up, not real. WAKE THE FUCK UP KATE! Where do you think you're going to go in life, believing all of this malarkey"? His words were alcohol in my opened wound.



"Fuck you Conner, Life's going to eat you and spit you out because you believe in nothing but your pathetic little self. And I'm going to laugh when it does!" I run out the door, all the way to the park. I always go on the swings to cry, It usually just blows my tears away. In the wind. I always thought of those tears, watering a pretty little flower.

  I stayed at the park for an hour. Never answering my phone, as Connor called me a billion times. But then Adym called. I waited until the fourth ring. Fashionable late?

"Hello"? I answer, making sure he doesn't hear me crying.

"I know you're crying". He says into the phone, like a cats purr.

"How"? I frown, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I see you outside my kitchen window". He replies, and i look across the street to see Adym in the window, waving at me almost eagerly.

"Oh, fuck you". I laugh.

"I'm coming over". He says, and with that he hangs up, and i see him walk out of the door. He wore a yellow short sleeved shirt, and dark blue jeans. His hair  swooshed over his face.

"Why were you crying"? He asked me as he sat on the swing next to me.

"Me and Conner got into a fight". I say.

"About"? He asked. I figured to come up with a quick lie. Telling him that i was sad that Conner said i wouldn't marry him, wasn't the way to go.

Plus, he doesn't even like you. It was just a dare.

"Connors joining the Military, i don't want him to go". I say, kicking the wood chips, with my green all stars.

"It's okay, you'll have me. I can beat up all the guys that look at you, and boss you around". He laughs and looks at me.

"Yeah". I reply, and jump off the swing. I start to walk back home, Adym close behind.

"You know" I start. "You could really use a breath mint". I laugh at him, while he frowns, and tries to smell his perfectly fine breath.

"Oh hush. You love my pizza smelling breath". He pushes me with his hip.

"I do". I giggle as i do a kart-wheel on the grass.

"I like that bra". He perverts.

"Stop looking at my bra!" I laugh.

"Stop showing me your bra". He mocks me.

"I'm not". I say, sitting down under the tree. The exact tree we kissed under.

"You could have said thank you". He said.

"Huh?" I say, jumping out of my thoughts.

"Your bra? I complimented you". He looks at me. 

"Oh". I whisper. And with that he leaned in, and kissed me. His soft lips traced mines. They fit perfectly like they belonged there forever.

"Thank you". I say, as we finally break apart.


"Stop whining". Adym said, he held my hand as we walked to the car.

"I'm not. I'm simply telling you, in an annoying form". I sassed. He just shook his head.

"So about our weeding. I hired a wedding planner, she's waiting for us at home.

"Shut the fuck up. Are you serious"?! I squeal like a little girl.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this, I get to wear a veil, and heels, and a big beautiful dress, and UGGHHH"! I scearm.

"Okay, okay, settle down". He laughs, as he backs out of the parking spot. We drove onto the freeway, and i pictured my future life. Kids, sex, sex, sex, sex, food, work, sex, kids,sex. My life was going to be perfect. I Just cant believe that i'm going to have a wedding.

"I miss Jessica". I finally say, remembering that she wouldn't be my bridesmaid.

"We have Cassie, Olivia, Cidney"? He asked.

"Yeah, of course. I was just saying." I sigh. I truly did miss that back stabbing conniving hoe.

"It's your time to shine baby, Forget them". He squeezed my hand, and returned it to the steering wheel.

"I'm hungry". I announce as we arrive at the house.

"Your always hungry". He replied, getting our bags at the car.

"I never eat". I say.

"No, you eat. You're just always burning calories from them orgasms i give you every night." He whispered in my ear,

"Stop"! I giggle, as he licked my earlobe, slightly biting on it.

"Can i get a cat"? I ask.

"What happened to waffle"? He asked.

"Ran away, she was tired of my bullshit". I laugh.





Enjoy this shitty chapter<#!%*&$ <3

Have a sandwich


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