Chapter I

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Hoseok looked out of his balcony window, deep in thought. His new wife was arriving soon, meaning to move in. Kim Miyoung was a woman slightly older than him, a self employed interior designer by profession. For her, this was her second marriage, getting a divorce after a marriage of 16 years. She had a son whom she was bringing along, which in a way irritated him, but he had no option. He could only hope that the boy wouldn't interrupt their time together. He had never met her son before. In fact, he had no idea what he even looked like. "Nothing I can do but wait and see.." he told himself, anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Jimin was sitting in the car beside his mom, going to his new home, to a new 'dad'. Even after the divorce, Jimin obviously still loves his dad though his dad had other ideas. He never really contacted him in these two years. His mom started to date someone else and plans to marry him. She always talks about him, how nice of a person he was. But Jimin had only seen a few pictures of him. He looked alright. Jimin was sad to leave his home of 18 years and move to another house in another city. His mom had him take admission in a nearby college so he could spend more time with his new 'Daddy'... Jimin was not really comfortable with this idea but couldn't really complain as it was one of the best dance universities and was among his dream colleges. Some time later, they finally reach the house. It's quite a grand cottage with a lawn and Jimin likes it instantly, spotting places he could sit and read in comfort.

Hoseok noticed the car pull up, a smile instantly crawling across his face. They had arrived. His woman and soon-to-be boy. Walking down, heading towards the entrance, he stopped to look at himself in a nearby mirror, making sure he looked presentable. After all, he didn't want to create a bad image in front of the kid. "Confidence, confidence." he repeatedly said. This was a huge moment, and he wanted it all to go well.

Jimin is lead inside by his mom. They walk in through the path leading to the entrance. The gate opens and they step in. Jimin looks around and is slightly awed at the décor. His new daddy looks to be quite rich, he notices passively.

Hoseok headed outside, meeting the two there. "Babe! It's so great to have you here!" he smiled, hugging Jimin's mom and giving her a chaste kiss. He then turned to see a young man behind her. "And who might this be?" he asked, studying the boy. He was strikingly beautiful, no doubt about it. He had a soft looking face, with plump lips, and a body built by the gods to complete his look. "This is my son, Jimin." she answered, motioning towards him.

Son? Well he definitely didn't expect that. He was much older than he anticipated, and much more attractive than he expected. Hoseok found himself slightly biting his lip, his mind going to haywire places, simply looking at the boy. "Nice to meet you Jimin. The name's Hoseok, Jung Hoseok. But you can call me daddy" he introduced himself, a slight smirk playing on his features, as he eyed the boy down. He was already enjoying this more than he should, as a stepfather.

Jimin looks at Jung Hoseok carefully. He was a strikingly handsome man. He was tall and lean, his face long but beautiful and a jaw sharp as a knife. He was handsome, yes. Jimin extended his hand to shake his in introduction.
"I'm Park Jimin, nice to meet you, Mr Jung."
He spoke formally with a special emphasis on 'Mr Jung'. He understood that he was a good man, a man his mother chose but it didn't mean he had to anything with him personally. He had only one dad and he won't call another man his father, much less 'daddy'.
He had decided since the beginning he's going to maintain just an amicable relationship with him to keep his mom satisfied. Anything beyond that was beyond the capacity of his heart.

Hoseok's smirk grew wider as he chuckled at the boy's brazen attitude. He wasn't an easy one, that was for sure. Although Hoseok liked a submissive who complied to his every command, he never said he didn't like a challenge. It would be a difficult task to get through the boy's walls, but he was up for the challenge. After all, with a body like that, who wouldn't be up for the task? Hoseok's conscience scolded him, telling him how wrong his inner thoughts were, but his sexual desire told him otherwise. It had been a while since he had a man. "Very well... I'll have a maid take your stuff up to your new room." he said coolly, never breaking eye contact. He was in charge here, and he wanted Jimin to know that.

Jimin watched the man as his smirk grew wider at his response. He found it highly mystifying, was he mocking him? He found his eyes locked with his as he looked at him with a strange intensity. Just looking into his eyes made him want to shudder but no, he doesn't give in so easily. He stares back at him defiantly. As he spoke, Jimin nodded. Hoseok still didn't look away and Jimin squirmed internally. Finally, he looks away as he takes in a breath he didn't know he was holding. He looks down at his hands, then his bags, pretending to check something on it. Jung Hoseok was a mysterious man, that he was sure of. Did his mother know of this side of him, he wondered.

Hoseok was satisfied with his little victory at the intense staring battle the two just had. However, he was far from finished with the boy. He would have to teach Jimin some manners, it seemed. He already seemed to be affecting the young boy, and to say he loved it would be an understatement. He relished it. "Sofia! Take Jimin's luggage to his room. Upstairs, first door to the right. Balcony room." he suddenly yelled in command as a young maid rushed to the scene, quickly taking Jimin's luggage. "You might want to go with her if you want to see your room." Hoseok addressed Jimin, running his fingers over his lips as he looked at him expectantly.

Jimin nods again and replies with a straight face. "I'd like that..."
He turns to his mom and gives her a bright smile to put her at ease. "Guess I'll see you later then, mom?"
He pecks on her cheek lovingly. Jimin loved his mom more than anything. More than his dad who left him. More than his pride that wanted to stop him from entering the house, being in care of a stranger. Stranger, for him.
He turns to Hoseok and gives a slight bow. "Please excuse me."
He walks in with confident strides, following the maid into the house. Once in his room, he was awed again. It was a huge room with a four poster bed and an adjoining balcony. It was one of those rooms you saw on TV and pined after. And now it was his. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...
He keeps his bag aside and as the maid leaves, closes the door and goes straight to the bed and crashes, moaning as his tired body relaxed. He was never really fond of long drives.

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