Chapter 4

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The food was brought in, roast chicken with various side dishes. "Hoseok! This is too much!" Jimin's mother said.
"Nonsense. I presumed you didn't eat anything on the way here, so eat up. " he smiled, thanking Sofia as she walked out.

"After you, love. " Hoseok said, smiling at Jimin's mother. She smiled back and began to eat, Hoseok following right after. As soon as he started eating, he turned to Jimin. "Is it good?" he asked, putting on a good husband facade. He wanted his plan to go smoothly, without any interruptions. His eyes quickly flashed down to the boy's front, eyeing the tight fitted shirt. He was making it hard for Hoseok to keep his hands to himself any longer.

As they started eating, Jimin eagerly plates some for himself and digs in. The food looked really good and he was famished. As soon as Hoseok turns to him and suddenly asks that question, staring down his chest so evidently, he choked on the chicken. He keeps his fork down as he is assaulted by a coughing fit.
With tears due to his coughs, he reaches out for water.

Before Jimin's mother could get up, Hoseok raised his hand in her direction. "I got this. It's ok." he reassured. He started lightly hitting Jimin on the back, to help stop the coughing. "You're ok. You're ok. " he said, refraining from grinning at the reaction he had caused. As soon as the boy had calmed down, Hoseok rubbed at his back, pretending to be reassuring the boy, but let his hand fall to his lower back. Jimin's mother smiled, not aware of anything, thinking that Hoseok was simply being a caring stepfather.

Jimin had been looking at his mother, his eyes imploring for help. When she sits back down letting Hoseok deal with it, he gets even more flustered.
As he pats his back, wherever he touched, it felt like fire to him. He was blushing all over his body. Those damn coughs not stopping fast, calmed after a while. As he calmed down, he feels his hand glide down to his lower back. He squints his eyes shut, as his hands grip the hem of his trousers. He hoped it will be for just a second but no, his hand lingered, making him squirm and blush harder. He couldn't bear it any more and shot up from his seat.
"Uh... I'm... I'm sorry, I... Uh... Need to go to the washroom for a minute.."
He nods at his mother, avoiding Hoseok's eye as he as good as runs to the washroom.
Just what the heck was that!?

Hoseok quickly hid his smirk, and watched the boy get up. "Do what you need love." he said, using the pet name on purpose. As soon as Jimin left, he turned to his mother. "I hope he's alright. Maybe he just needs to go use the loo." he said, in pretense worry. He knew why the boy left, he just wasn't going to say anything. "Let's wait till he gets back", Jimin's mother said, putting her fork down. "Whatever suits you, babe. " Hoseok smiled, reaching and holding her hand across the table. He couldn't help but think, had his touch affected the boy that much? If a simple hand on the back made him react, he was eager to know what the reaction would be to anything further physical.

Jimin rushes to the bathroom and closes the door behind him quickly.
He leans over the sink and looks at himself. He looked terrible.
He was so red from blushing, he was thankful for the choking fit so he can give that as the reason. But then, it was all because of the choking... Nah... All because of him. His fists ball up in frustration. He willingly gave him the satisfaction of affecting him. He could not swallow it.  And what was that last comment? Love?
Jimin has got nothing to do with him. He's just add on baggage. He decides to make it clear enough as soon as he gets the chance, to keep no expectations from him. He'll never be anything to him except for her mother's new husband. He washes his face and after making sure he looked presentable again, he proceeds to go back. He knows what to do, how to do.
He goes back and pulls back his chair, increasing the distance between him and Hoseok a bit more very casually. He sat down coolly.
"Sorry mom, Mr Jung"
He turns to give him a sweet looking smile.
"Thanks for helping me."
He fakes a chuckle, proud that he could hold his voice so stable.
He sees that they were waiting for him
"Oh! You didn't have to wait. Do begin"
He picks up his fork casually and starts eating.

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