UnFaihtful Trust Chapter 4 Book 3

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Nikolas's POV

The kid ran straight through the wall. Then he jumped towards the wall climbing it. I was still running towards the wall. The kid turned around and let out his hand for me to grab. I continued running towards the wall. Atleast 10 gang members behind me, Shooting. I closed my eyes thinking "Shit. Im gonna die." I jumped as high as i could, And grabbed his arm. He quickly pulled me up. We both jumped onto a roof. Which was right next to the wall. I looked behind me saying "They stopped following us." Then the kid said " We still have to continue.." So we continued running on the roof. We jumped over and under multiple buildings for hours. Then we finally stopped out of breath. Taking a seat on a roof. I looked up at the kid saying " Why did you help me.." He responded " Why did you help me?". I didnt respond to that comment, Then i asked " Whats your name kid.." " Glenn." He said.

Soo sorry for the short chapter! And im very very very sorry for not updating this book. School has been in my way and such. But i promise i will try my best to make more chapters more frequently!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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