Chapter 4: Today

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Play the music while reading its funner

You excitedly get up out of bed and today you get a ride to school early with your mom and Oncie.

Run to Oncelers room and push the door open. You pounce onto his bed and start jumping "GET UP FUCKER WE ARE GOING TO SCHOOL!" you then belly flop onto him waking him up immediately. "Agh I don't want to wake up...come on." he mumbles

"You wanna go to school with right?"


"You wanna be in my classes right?"

"Yes!" he says more awake.


"ALRIIIGHHT!" he shouts. He looks as if he is going to get out of bed but then quickly grabs you and pulls you under the blanket with him. You lay awkwardly with your face pressed against his soft chest.


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"Alright...I guess a few more minutes wouldn't hurt." you whispered. "Your dang right it won't. You're way too early its like 4 in the morning. Who does that."

"I do. Cause i wanted you up early!" you responded he smiles and stares down at you with his tired blue eyes.

"What time does school start (y/n)?"



"But I wanted you up early. Its only 3 hours. I put up some clothes for you and everything yesterday. I was just excited."

"For school? Why is that

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"For school? Why is that..."

"I don't have any friends I mean you're all I have now. Then I am not going to be lonely at school."

"I don't even know how old I am. Don't you need a birth certificate to go to school?"


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