Chapter 8 The night

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I skimmed through my story so things could sound a little weird or mixed but I hope it is all okay!!! You have the right to tie me to a stake alright?

You get ready and hop in the car with your mom. "So is there anything else that is going to happen other than this event?" Said you mom. You rolled your eyes at her concern, "No mom not at all!"

"No there defiantly will be for sure." Oncie said jokingly. You pushed your finger against his lips, "No there's not." You whiper playfully.

"You kids are giving me a very large concern...with your sarcasm." Your mom said.

You look out the window and roll it down. There was a small cold wind drifting in from the dark outside. You take a peak at Onceler from the corner of your eye. His soft feather like hair was ungroomed but still had the cutest fluff you ever saw. He messily wore an opened tux with a dress shirt under with black pants along with it. He also had on a pair of converse that seemed familier to you. "Hey...where'd you get the fancy stuff?" You asked. "This? Fancy? I just thought this was appropriate for casual and classy. This morning I woke up early and bought it with some of the money your mom gave me."  Finally your mom makes it to the area where the event was.

Lights fluttered in different colors and the place was full. "Wow this is great (y/n) I am glad you invited me!" Onceler said holding both of your hands up to his face excitedly. You smiled but soon it faded when you saw Benji and her friends talking to each other in a corner. You grab Oncies hand and quickly ran out of their sight.

It seemed great after getting snacks and sitting on the top of the bleachers watching everyone have fun. You both talked a little bit about your lives and looked up at the lights. You see Benji coming up the steps. Before she saw Oncler you nudged at him and said at a fast pace nervously "Hey cuteness can you go reccomend a song or something idw benji to see you Ill meet you there after I lose her."

"Yeah of course." He nodded and floped down the stairs trying to be normal." Finally you can see benji walking up the bleachers and seeing you.

She makes her way up, "Well look who's here you guys." Benji told her friends in a tone of which she was trying to sound intimidating but failed. Now is my chance....I can totally push her off the bleachers...

"So we didn't finish what we started last have we? Too bad your boyfriend didn't come. Not like he'd care to protect you."

You ruffled up your dress and stood up to push her. You give her a hard shove in the chest and she falls.
Her friends help her up giving you a chance to run. You find Onceler with a few guys that seem to be friendly but...weird.

"Hey Oncie. I am back." He slumps over and loosley walks towards you. "Heyyy (y/n) You're gonnnna liike the sshong I reccomended." He says holding you.
"Oncie...why are you talking like that?" You ask. "Damn (y/n) your boyfriend can really drink!" Said a guy from the group holding a flask. "Drink?!" You cried. "Oncie why would you drink!?" You asked him.

"They told me is was juice but I don't know anymooree I'll be fine sugar plumm I promishee." He said holding your waist and walking to the dance floor.  Slow music started playing and he holds your hands and starts to dance with you. You blush though this moment would be better without the drinking. He leans in to kiss you and your stomach starts to flutter.

It was a great night.

Physically Touchable - Onceler x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now