The best part of me

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Deidaras Pov.
I'm at a loss for words. For once in my life I actually have nothing to say back to the man I know as tobi.
This guy, such a childlike personality but here he is, right here laying here telling me his feelings.
"Tobi-" I'm cut off with tobi's hand pausing me for a second.
"It's obito" tobi or well obito replies.
"Obito..." I like the way his name rolls off my tongue. Much better then tobi.
But why me?
Why is he so trusting of me all of a sudden?
Why is he so calm about this.
The normal bubbly person I know is now gone in the darkness of this man who lay before me. This man whom I've known for such a long time now I'm finally beginning to know him for who he truly is and the feeling is almost overwhelming. Such a strange feeling.

Obitos Pov:
I've told him my name. I know if any others find out I will be in grave danger. But I trust him, for some reason I trust him so much. I trust that he will keep this between us I've revealed too much within the short amount of time he's been here and I'm not sure if I should show him who I really him. Behind the mask. No not right now.
Although deidara has no words of wisdom for me it feels better to have taken some of the weight off my shoulders by telling someone. However my heart has been beating rapidly nonstop since he's been laying here and it's taken every thing I have to not show any emotion. Even with the mask on I find it hard to contain my feelings. So many feelings all at once. It's crazy how much this one person can do to me. Oh deidara if only you knew how much I care for you.

///Time Skip///

(Still obitos pov)
It's been a week since that rainy day with deidara. A whole week he hasn't left my side. Not saying that I don't like him being by me in fact Ive enjoyed every second of it. We've grown so close together but today is a special day.
It's Deidara-Senpai's birthday. And I've planned this for so long. Today I will bring him out for dangos. Working up the courage to ask him is a whole other story though.

Rummaging through my closet i frantically look around. I lost my damn glove. I run over towards my bed and check underneath it. Not there. It's been an hour and I've searched the hell out of my room but still can't seem to find the damn thing. I'm running out of time if I don't ask deidara now It will be to late. What's one day without a glove?
Giving up I grab my black long sleeve and pull it over my head while grabbing my mask off the desktop near my bed. Once I'm dressed i hurriedly make my way towards Deidaras room, not bothering to knock being the rude asshole I am I walk right in and find him sitting on the floor making his clay sculptures.
"Hey" I say in my normal voice, no one is around to hear me anyway.
"Oh hey obi" deidara replies glancing at me and looking back towards his creation. Obi, the nickname he's giving me never fails to make my stomach flutter Everytime he calls me it.
"I was uhm...well happy birthday first off I guess heh" I chuckle to myself God I sound like a little bitch right now.
"Thanks obi, un your the first to tell me all day I've almost forgotten it was my birthday. I appreciate it un" with a smile he's back to his tiny art pieces.
"Anyway like I was saying I was wondering if you'd wanna go get some dango to celebrate your birthday and all." That's it obito be a man. I smile to myself under my mask from the accomplishment of not stuttering around him. Then it hits me, what if he rejects my offer? My knees feel weak I haven't noticed how long it's taken for him to reply seconds go by but for me they feel like hours, months, years. I hear my heatbeat and hope to jashin himself that deidara can't hear it either. If he says no id feel like such a loser, I'd be to embarrassed to be near him I'd-
"Sure man just let me put my figures away to dry and I'll get ready un"
Relief soars through my body.
Deidaras Pov
The walk to the dango shop is far but I don't mind. I'd use my newest creation to fly us there but I've used most of my clay on the sculptures I made earlier.
My birthday. Wow kinda hard to believe it's been a year time flys fast I guess just yesterday I was a child full of ambition to be the best and the only best. But here I am now akastuki, criminal, a man. I'm twenty today. life is passing fast. I exhale a long breath then inhale the crisp autumn air. The sky is an orange not obitos mask orange a bit darker and the horizon has begun to darken a grey haze lining along the earth, signalling dusk is about to happen. Beautiful, what a great day to be born am I right un?
"So obito, how you been lately? Un" while I was taking in the view I somewhat forgot obito walking beside me. I've grown very comfortable around him. And now that I think about it, he is attractive. But i mean it in the most friendly way possible, although I will not lie the feeling I feel for him sometimes is more then friendly feelings, I feel a need to be by him all of the time, a need to hear his voice, a need to feel him even though the most we've ever touched were our sides pressed together as we sat together on the couch watching tv. I know my feelings are just the hormones talking, until the feeling leaves as quickly as it came I will only know obito as a friend.
"I've been doing well. Much better actually, I never got to thank you for being there that day. So thank you Deidara. It meant a lot to me"
I can't see his face but I can hear the smile in his voice as he neared the end. I give him a side hug.
"Anytime man, it was no problem thank you for being so open with me about it too un, and trusting me also. Don't worry your secrets safe with me. I promise" I stick my pinky finger out and point in towards him. He looks at it for a second then quickly hooks his pinkie against mine.
"And I thought I was the childish one" Obito laughs and I laugh along with him.
His laugh, I've only ever heard him laugh quietly, barely above a whisper and an awkward chuckle here and there but this time, this time he had a genuine laugh. It was beautiful. The way it vibrated and was slightly raspy matched perfectly with his deep tone. The feeling in my stomach is back, almost like butterfly's dancing inside me. Perhaps I'm just hungry.
I'm not to sure about that though, my arm still huggin obitos side I can't bring my self to pull away for some reason. His sides are lean, his arms not to heavy but toned, perfectly matching his slim figure. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I'm falling for obito. The thought of me and him being together makes my heart warm and I'm confirmed with my emotions towards obito. I've never seen his real face, and I've only known this mans real side for a week. But I'm in no doubt falling in love for the man in the orange mask. Sighing I let go of his side and continue to walk.

Obitos Pov:
He hugged me, the man I've longed to feel for the longest time has just hugged me. And it felt incredible, such a gentle hug that sparked so many feelings inside of me. I could feel my face heat up thankful for the fact that my mask is covering me. We walked like that for a bit until he pulled away. I slightly cursed myself for not holding onto the moment long enough. In the distance I see the dango shop and smile to myself, man I'm starved.

Our plates are served infront of us and deidara quickly dives in, while he is eating I turn the other way and tilt my mask up exposing my mouth slightly and eat while I can. One day deidara, you will see me.
Back at the hideout deidara decides to stay in my room for the night and play video games. A great way to end his birthday. Sorta.
"So obito not to be rude or anything but why take on the character of 'Tobi'?" Deidara asks me and turns my way.
"I wanted to be someone no one would be suspicious about, someone who would help me hide my identity best, so I chose tobi. And it is quite amusing being the nut show around here, the place could use some lightening up" I smirk and think about all the dumb things I've done in my past. All the chaos I've caused over the stupidest things. But mostly I think about my moments with deidara, I'd annoy him and taunt him, pretend to be his fangirl and most acts would always end in me being forced eighty feet into the air by his explosions.
"You cheeky bastard un!" Deidara laughs, he must've been thinking the same thing.
We talk and joke about dumb things for a bit until it goes silent again and I hear a small snore escape the blonds mouth.
I smirk beneath my mask and pick him up gently laying him on my bed and cover him up with the duvet. He looks so angelic, so innocent with his hair swirled around his shoulders and pieces here and there grazing over his eye and robot eye. I brush the hairs behind his ear and sigh.
Getting up and walking towards the closest I pull out an extra mat to sleep on along with some blankets and a pillow. I make my bed quietly not wanting to wake him. Taking my mask off and Sitting upright with my legs crossed I reach in my pocket and speak, in a whisper of course not to wake deidara. I recite myself to him.
"Deidara, if only you knew how much I care for you, if only you knew how much you mean to me. I'd die for you, I'd give my everything to you just to see you smile everyday. I'd do anything to be with you everyday, to hold you, to kiss you but most of all to love you.
I believe the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey and the sun will set for you. (Linkin park hehe)
But most of all the best part of me will always be you."

Wellllp! There you have it an update very rare indeed jk i will try my best to keep this story going and if u have any ideas at all please let me know and I can use it for this book. Ily guys! Comment, vote, but most of all stay cool my pumpkins <3

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