Seize the Day

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Deidaras Pov:

Did he just...
He said it, am I dreaming? I must be dreaming. This is all to unreal, my stomach is doing flips and I feel the world around me swirl. Breathe deidara get ahold of yourself un! I keep my eyes shut and all to quickly take in the words I just heard come from the man I've fell head over heels for. He said he cared about me, he said he would die for me... He said he'd love me...
My eyes widen and I quickly shut my stupid fucking mouth. My heart beating faster by the second my head starting to feel light.
Absolute silence fills the room I can feel the tension there's no doubt that he heard me but something inside me refuses to agree and I stay still pretending to be asleep. It feels like hours pass until obito lets out a sigh and I can feel the bed shift behind me and feel his presence behind me grow closer and closer ever so slowly.
My breath hitches I twitch the slightest as I feel an arm wrap around me.
"I know you're awake" his deep voice tingles the back of my neck and I suddenly forget how to breathe.
"Deidara please talk to me..." His lips graze the back of my ear, realization hits and I know he had taken off his mask.
"Wha-what do I say?" I stutter happy to be laying down or I'd be struggling to stand up in this situation.
"Do you want this?" That question that one question is all it took for everything to become clear, the fog in my head that's been building up the more I'm around obito. I now understand what I want. And for once I don't push away my feelings I allow them and turn my body towards the masked man.
His face, it's absolutely stunning. The room is dark, the only source of light coming from the open window as the moon spills into the floor and walls leaving a trail of light to graze over obitos left eye and chunks of his raven hair. I observe him well, the one side of his face is scarred and faded in certain spots, it's Intimidating but alluring at the same time, I have a temptation to glide my fingers softly across his scars but refrain and keep my hands to my chest. His lips are full and have a soft touch to them, I wanna kiss them but I keep my position and remain still. His eyes-the most interesting thing about him, one eye dark an uchiha eye...The other a tantalizing purple rinnegan. Both eyes are sharp and piercing I can't help but leave my gaze on them as he stares back at mine.

Obitos Pov:
Blue orbs gaze back at me as I drown myself in the moment. I decide to snap him out of his trance and send him a smirk. He blushes and his eyes flutter while looking away.
Nows my chance.
Quickly I lean in and leave a small peck on his cheek, before he can do anything else i turn my head to the side to avoid embarrassment. Cold fingers slide across my cheek directing myself towards him, both of us leaning again but not aiming for a cheek. Our lips connect, it's as if time itself stopped, the Sparks from when deidara first hugged me sneak there way in and I feel them intense as ever. His soft lips pull away leaving me with a feeling that there's a part of me missing.
"Obi..." I faintly hear deidaras voice. He looks back at me and I nod for him to continue.
"I think I love you"
My heart is filled with an unknown warmth from hearing those words come from another person for the first time.
"I love you deidara Senpai" I say smiling when I get to the Senpai part. Gaining a small laugh back I grab onto deidara and hold him close clenching him in my arms taking in his scent and living in the moment the best I could. Seizing the day.
His nose nuzzles into my shirt and I take good precautions in making him safe and comfortable. Moving my arm so he can properly rest his head on my chest.
Slowly and silently he drifts off to sleep. "Happy birthday deidara" I whisper and also fall asleep.
For once, I have no nightmares.

Deidaras Pov:
I wake up surrounded in warmth and confused until last nights memories come flashing back. I feel his soft breathing on the top of my head and slowly but stealthily weasel my way out of his grip. Suddenly feeling the cold air nip at my face.
Shivering I sit up and see that the window was left open from last night causing drops of rain to puddle below it, it was nice yesterday but we are still within mother natures rainy days. I lean over and shut the window to block the rest of the morning rain outside, where it belongs.
He's so adorable when he sleeps, I gingerly sweep away the bits of hair that have settle over his eye. Unfortunately he stirs and slowly opens his eyes.
"Morning" he mumbles and gives a small smile.
"Morning un" I reply returning the smile. "I should let you sleep" I continue crawling off his bed and heading towards the door.
"No, wait it's fine I'm up now" I hear obito sit up. Turning around to face him while he stretches and yawns.
"Are you sure un?" This is the most polite I've ever been towards him and it feels weird but good at the same time.
"Positive, please just stay awhile...and smile. I'd do anything for a smile" he says softly blushing a bit. Cute.
I suddenly realize he doesn't like days like this rainy days for some reason seem to upset him, leaving him in a Grimm mood, making up my mind and not wanting to leave him alone I crawl back over. The awaiting missions I've been assigned can wait for now. Not like boss is here to scold me on it anyway un...or konan.
It's still pretty early in the morning to be up right now, 5:00 to be exact, so I let obito know I won't leave and to rest. Unlike last night, he falls asleep first.
I'm about to doze off until there's a sudden knock on the door...

Authors note:
Yeah yeah I updated tbh I had the beginning of this for a long time I just got lazy to finish it hehe but hey! Here it is. Sorry if it's crap too. I promise I will finish the story I will!
But anywho comment on what you want...or not comments help though, vote share etc Spread The Word 😏

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