"Life Is A Highway"...or drunk'Trick

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A/N: I saw this video again and decided to make an imagine about it.

Patrick and you spent the night with some friends at a karaoke. You were having fun but it was starting to get late and you were getting a bit tired.

You turned your face to see Patrick sitting nect to you, his sixth beer in hand. You leaned closer to him so he could hear you over the other people singing. "It's getting late, we should go home."

He looked at you, his eyebrows knit together, "Noooo," He whined, "We're having fun!"


"Hey, Patrick! Sing this one!" Your friend Dustin spoke up, handing the mic to Patrick.

Patrick looked up at him then at you.

You looked at him, raising your eyebrows in a way to convince him to say no.

"Just this one and after we leave?" He said, making the "puppy eyes" look.

You sighed and let him do it.

He stood up, took the mic in his free hand. The song started and it was Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts. You chuckled, looking down at your lap as Patrick fist bump the air, muttering a "Fuck yeah, I love this song".

During one of the choruses, Dustin pulled out his phone and recorded Patrick singing, while everyone around was mouthing the words and acting like they were singing as well.

When the song was reaching its end, you received a message from the babysitter, asking if everything was okay, since it was way past the time you told her you'll be back. You told her yes and that you'll be coming soon.

You stood up from the couch, picking up your jacket and Patrick's as he was finishing the song. You tapped his shoulder when he was done and he turned around, a grin spread across his face, "We have to go."

He sighed and took his jacket from your hands. You two said goodbye to your friends and headed out.

You walked to your car as Patrick was trailing behind you, barely walking straight as he was trying to put his jacket on.

You turned around to see him struggle with it. You laughed, "What are you doing with this jacket?" You walked closer to him.

"Trying to put it on." He slurred.

You chuckled and help him to put it on correctly.

"Thanks." He whispered really close to your face, you could smell the alcohol in his breath.

You started walking toward the car, holding Patrick's hand.

During the car drive, Patrick kept kissing you on the neck, hand, playing with your hair. It was obvious that he wanted to do it tonight.

Once back to your house, you paid the babysitter and as soon as she left. Patrick pinned you against the wall and started kissing you roughly.

You pushed him away and shook your head, "Nope, not tonight."

"Why not?" He whined, kissing your neck and moving his hands under your t-shirt.

"Because I know how you are when you're drunk. For now, you're pretty normal 'cause you're standing up, but when you'll belying down, you'll just want to throw up."

He kept kissing you, "Not this time." He murmured.

You rolled your eyes, "Of course not." You muttered.

He looked up at you, his eyes completely black from lust, "I promise I won't throw up."

You chuckled and kissed him on the lips. You two kept kissing until you reached your bedroom.

He slowly pushed you ont the bed so you were lying on your back. He unbuttoned his shirt and crawled on top of you, his hands next to your face and his knees on each sides of your hips. He bit his lower as he looked down at you. He just stayed there for a moment, his breathing getting heavier and his face paler.

"Okay, you were right." He said as he quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom.

You just stayed there, laughing.

"Stop laughing. It's not funny." He called from the bathroom.

"I told you you were going to get sick." You said as you walked to the bathroom. You stopped at the treshold and saw him kneeling in front of the toilet.

He threw a towel at you, his head still hung low in the toilet, "Go away!"

You laughed and knelt next to him. You rubbed his back and stroked his hair as he kept emptying his stomach, "Done?"

He nodded his head and you two stood up. You got prepared for bed and alid next to each other. You took Patrick in your arms and he rested his head in the crook of your neck, still feeling a little sick. You stroked the back of his head, playing with his hair.

"I'll listen to you next time." He whispered and kissed your neck gently.

You chuckled and slowly fell asleep with Patrick's arms around your body.

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