Let's get married for a week - Saturday

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When Patrick woke up the next morning, he had his arms wrapped around Y/N and her head was resting on his chest. He breathed in her scent as his chin was resting on the top of her head. He wanted to stay like this forever, to stay this close to his best friend as if she wasn't just a friend.

But Y/N started to stir awake. She opened her eyes slowly and as she realized she was cuddled this close to Patrick, she quickly scooted away, suddenly feeling really nervous to be close to him. She was scared that it'll make him think things about what she felt. Even though deep inside of her, she really felt these things, she didn't want to admit them.

Patrick's arm fell on the mattress as Y/N pulled out of the embrace. It somehow hurt him that she didn't want to cuddle with him. He wanted to be this close. He wanted to just hold her close to his chest and tell her how he really felt. Or at least the deepest side of him wanted that.

"Hey," He whispered with his raspy morning voice, "How did you sleep?" He rubbed his eyes.

That voice. It was the first time that Y/N heard it. It sent a shiver down her spine. She wanted to hear it more often, wake up to it every morning. She stretched her arms, "Great. You?"

He yawned and snuggled under the cover, "Same thing," He replied, "But I still want to sleep," He whined, "It's too early."

"Too early?" Y/N repeated with a chuckle, "It's almost noon."

"Well, I usually sleep until one pm." He replied, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Come on, get out of bed," She stood up and jerked the cover away from him, earning a groan from Patrick as he clung onto his pillow. She crawled on the bed next to him and grabbed his broad shoulders, trying to turn him over on his back, "Get up!"

Patrick resisted but eventually gave up and opened his eyes to see Y/N's face inches in front of him. He could feel his pupils dilate at the sight. Her Y/H/C hair was falling on one side and she had this beautiful smile spread across her face. He was now fully awake. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, "A-Alright, I'll get up."

She flashed him a smile and got off of him. She made her way to the kitchen and made pancakes for breakfast as Patrick went to take a shower.


"So, what's the other thing you have for me?" Y/N asked as she cut a piece of her pancake.

Patrick swallowed the food in his mouth, "Oh, that's a surprise."

Y/N looked at him with puppy dog eyes and stuck out her bottom lip, "Tell me."

Patrick shook his head, chuckling, "Alright," He set his fork down and turned to her a bit more, "So I booked an afternoon at a spa for you."

"Oh my god, really?" Her eyes widened.

"Yeah," He nodded his head, "So like that you can relax from all the stress of this week."

"Thank you so much." She scooted closer to him and hugged him.

"And that's not all," He pulled out of the embrace, placing his hands on her waist for a second but quickly moved them away to rest on his lap, "I reserved a table at a restaurant for tonight."

"That's too much, Patrick. You shouldn't have." She replied.

"It's alright," He said as he moved his hand to her knee, squeezing a little before picking up his fork again, "And it'll be fun. I mean, we're supposed to be a couple this week, that's what couples do, right?"

She nodded her head slowly and glanced at him as he put a piece of pancake in his mouth. She didn't quite understand why he was doing all of this just for a little mistake he made. Did he really feel that bad? Or was it something else?

A few hours later, Patrick drove her to the spa and went back home. He spent the afternoon watching tv, as always. He left the house at 5 pm to go pick her up and drove back to his apartment.

He quickly got ready for the night. He put on a white shirt with a black suit jacket and black dress pants, nothing too special.

Time passed and Y/N was still in the bathroom after almost an hour, they were supposed to leave in five minutes.

Patrick walked to the bathroom and stopped in front of the closed door, "We gotta go in five minutes."

"I'm ready!" Y/N replied as she swung the door open.

Patrick's jaw dropped as he saw her standing there with a black dress that fitted her perfectly. His breath caught in his throat, "Wow, " He shook his head, "You look beautiful."

Y/N looked down, blushing, "Thanks. You look really good as well."

Patrick grinned shyly and muttered a thank you.

The night went on normally. Though they exchanged a few stares during the night, just looking at each other without saying a word. They didn't feel like friends that night. And they didn't want this week to come to an end and act like it never happened. It got them closer somehow and they wanted to stay this close. There was this side of them that wanted to fall asleep next to the other every night and wake up next to them every morning. And this side was slowly coming out.

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