Let's get married for a week - Sunday

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Patrick slowly opened his eyes as he heard shuffling in the room. He squinted his eyes at the sudden change of light and looked around the room.

"What are you doing?" He asked groggily as he saw Y/N kneeling on the ground next to the bed.

"Packing my bag." She answered, glancing quickly at him.

Patrick moved closer to the edge of the bed, the cover still wrapped tightly around him, "Already?"

"Well, I'm leaving tonight, so, yeah." She replied as she folded another t-shirt and put it in her suitcase.

Patrick hummed as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He wanted to say something. To ask her to stay one more night. But he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Patrick shot his head up as he heard his phone going off on his bedside table. He crawled on the bed to grab it and pressed the answer button once he saw that his friend Pete was calling. He put the phone to his ear and collapsed on the mattress, "Hey, Pete." His voice was still raspy from the sleep.

"Hey...wait, did you just wake up?" 

"Well, yeah," Patrick replied he rested one of his hand on his chest.

Pete chuckled on the other line, "I don't know it's still surprising me." Patrick smiled at that, "Well, anyway. Wanna grab some coffee? You and Y/N?" 

Patrick placed the phone on his chest and turned to Y/N, "Want some coffee? Pete just asked me if we wanted to."

"Yeah, sure." She nodded her head at him.

He brought the phone to his ear again, "Yeah dude."

"Awesome. Meet me at the coffee shop, in like," He paused for a moment, "Thirty minutes or something."

"Alright," Patrick replied before hanging up. He got out of bed, "We have to be at the coffee shop in thirty minutes, I'm gonna go get ready." He said and left the bedroom.


Pete, Patrick and Y/N were all sitting at a table in the coffee shop, their drinks in front of them.

"So, you two?" Pete started as he took a sip of his drink, a grin on his face.

Y/N and Patrick looked at him confusedly.

"Did you guys hook up?" Pete blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Patrick exclaimed as Y/N just shrugged with an amused smile on her face.

"Come on, I only dared you guys to do it so you would finally admit your feelings for each other," Pete confessed.

"We don't have feelings for each other." Y/N replied immediately. Though, the deepest side of her was screaming at her for telling such a lie.

Patrick blushed a little in embarrassment, "Yeah, we...we don't have feelings for each other."

Y/N took a quick glance at him. ven though she just said the same thing, it still hurt coming from him.

"If you say so," Pete smirked, "But you're sure you don't want to try?"

Patrick shot his head up and was about to reply when Y/N replied no. He couldn't hide the disappointment. He wanted to ask her but all his chances were ruined now. She didn't want him, or he thought so.

They spent the rest of the day with Pete. Hanging out and going to different places, having fun. Pete couldn't stop glancing at them every now and then. He could see that they loved each other. He wanted them to be together.


"It's time for me to go." Y/N spoke up as she emerged from the corridor and stopped into the living room of Patrick's apartment, where he sat on the couch, watching tv.

Patrick stood up and led her to the front door, "Alright." He sighed.

She quickly side-hugged him and opened the door, "I'll see you soon."

A thousand thoughts rushed in Patrick's head in just a split second. He slammed the door shut before she could step outside, "No, stay."

"Patrick, I have to go. The dare's over." She chuckled nervously.

"No, you...you can't leave." He rambled, feeling more and more nervous. He couldn't do it.

"Why?" She asked, confused, and nervous.

Patrick ran his hand through his hair and opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"I-I'll just leave." She replied and opened the door again. She flashed a smile at him then left his apartment, closing the door behind her. She didn't want to face this situation. She had this feeling that it was about the thing that she's been avoiding since the day she met Patrick.

The door closed in front of Patrick's face as he couldn't bring himself to move or even say something. He was going to tell her. To confess the feelings that he's had for years but never admitted. He didn't want to hide them anymore.

He paced in his apartment, his hand gripping at his hair and he was cursing under his breath. He stopped in his track and glanced at the door. He heaved a long sigh and headed for the door. He shut the door behind him and started running outside.

"Y/N, stop!" He called as he saw her just outside of his apartment building. She spun around, and he ran to her. He stopped in front of her and stared for what felt like hours, unsure of what he was going to say. He stared in her eyes, as she did the same with his, then slowly looked down at her lips, "Oh, fuck it," He muttered before crashing his lips on hers.

Y/N moved her hands to his neck as he placed his on her hips, pushing her closer to him and deepening the kiss.

He pulled out of the embrace and rested his forehead against hers, "Don't leave because...because I love you." He whispered against her lips.

For once, holding her this close to him didn't feel weird or awkward, it felt right.

She pecked his lips and looked into his beautiful bluish-green eyes, "I love you too."

Patrick smiled widely and pressed his lips to hers once again. They didn't have to hide these feelings anymore. Their deepest sides came out, for good.

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