Chapter 12 | Not the Right Time

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Ricky felt like it was near impossible to focus on anything when Ryder was around. Sometimes he saw that as a cute relationship thing, other times is was annoying. He couldn't really figure out what it was today. On a calm Sunday like this, his house was at it's most quietest. His parents were, thankfully, off doing other things. Giving him plenty of time to practice for the talent show auditions tomorrow.

It wasn't like he had a problem singing in front of his love interest. No, it wasn't that. Ricky's mind was too preoccupied with thoughts about said person. When he saw Ryder smile at him, it was hard to believe he was such a bad kid. He didn't seem like the criminal piece of shit everyone made him out to be.

"I wish you'd sing more often." Ryder commented while listening to him.

"Ryan says the same thing, but I don't know... I've just never liked singing in front of other people. Anytime someone tells me my singing is okay, I find it hard to believe. I always worry people are just being nice, you know?"

He halfheartedly smiled, "Yeah, I know how that goes. But trust me, Babe, people mean it when they say you have a beautiful voice, 'cause you do."

Ricky looked down shyly, blushing, "Thanks." He took his guitar out of his lap and set it aside for now. If he couldn't fully focus on practicing, he figured there was no point. He might as well spend time with Ryder while he was here. Ricky moved over to him on the floor, sitting beside him.

"You're so shy. It's adorable." He said. Ryder set his hand along his jaw, turning his head towards him, "I don't make you nervous, do I?"

"What? No, of course not. I don't get nervous." He replied, probably not even convincing himself of that one. 

His dominant placed his other hand on his leg. "If you say so. When your parents get home?"

"Not for awhile. A few hours, at least." Ricky responded as he allowed his partner to pull him into his lap. "Why? What'd you have in mind?"

Ryder kissed him briefly, just to get a taste. "C'mon, Babe. You may be shy but I know you're not stupid."

He laughed, "You're such an ass sometimes."

"You know you love it." He smirked as he tangled his hand in Ricky's hair, "And I love your body. Mmmh."

Ryder closed the space between them. Both of them let their minds wander off as they became infatuated in an intense make out session. His arm wrapped around Ricky's back, pulling him in closer. They both were pretty skinny, but Ricky was naturally built much smaller. Along with his shy nature, he was easy to dominate. 

His shirt found it's way to the floor. It was the first time his clothes had ever come off in front of someone in such an intimate manner. Despite how pale he was, color managed to raise to his cheeks. 

"Don't be so shy, Baby. You've got nothin' to worry 'bout." Ryder husked a moan along his neck, kissing his soft skin, "I'm gonna take good care of you. Don't be scared."

"I'm not scared. I just... I don't know. Let's get on the bed, though. I don't want to get cold." He stood up off of his partner, offering him a hand. 

He took it, snickering, "Alright, Babe. I'd keep you warm anyways." 

Ricky rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm sure." 

He took a little bit of liberty in pushing Ryder's jean vest off of him. Ryder threw it on the floor with his shirt soon following. He grabbed the little raccoon's arms and pulled him down on the bed. Then he flipped him over, getting on top of him and making him giggle in the process. Ricky was so cute, yet so fucking hot. He could barely stand it anymore. 

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