Chapter 60 | Buzzing

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It was getting late already, and Chris could clearly see that Ryan had a long day. He felt it was best to excuse himself for the night, but had made plans to return tomorrow evening. After what he'd witnessed, he needed some time to process what had become of his old friends. With the way his life is, even working for Kuza, he doesn't get to see anyone anymore. In fact, today was the first time he'd seen Ryan in nearly four years.

Chris returned to his empty apartment, of which he hadn't been in for awhile now. It felt cold. This isn't how coming home should feel, but it was the price of success. That's what he told himself, anyways. 

On the other side of town, in a much shittier neighborhood, Ryan could finally relax for the day. He laid on the bed with Ricky next to him, still unconscious. Ryan could've turned on the TV or music, but he didn't want to. He just wanted to enjoy the silence. The sound of Ricky's breathing reminded him that he wasn't in love with a monster. That vicious man he fought earlier wasn't his Ricky. This, this beautiful, gentle being in his arms, that's the love of his life. 

Slowly but surely, Ricky started to wake up. He finally cracked his eyes opened and glanced up at his boyfriend. Ryan was gently petting his hair in efforts to keep him calm. He sighed to himself, letting his head fall back down on Ryan's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He murmured, on the verge of tears.

"For what?" Ryan responded.

"That I let him take over again. I know better. I know what he does to you. I could've stopped him when I felt him trying to break through, but I didn't." 

He took a deep breath before replying, "I can't say I'm a fan of the monster's visits, but it's not your fault. It's never your fault, okay? You can't control all of them." Ryan reached over and grasped his hand strongly. "I know he comes out when you're scared of something, but you don't want to admit it. You need to let that fear out, Baby."

"I don't know how." He admitted. His voice was so broken, as was his spirit.

"Do you trust me? Do you trust me to know what's best for you?" 

Ricky looked up at him with glassy eyes. "Of course. You know I trust you with my fucking life."

"I just don't want you to get mad at me if I tell you what to do, but I think it's for the best... If you let the unknown back out. I haven't seen him since high school, and even though he doesn't come out much, you're still long overdue to let him out." 

"He's weak, Ry. I don't know what could happen, what the others would do, if he was given control."

Ryan turned on his side to face him. "I'm here. I won't let anything happen to him or you. I promise, I'll protect you both. I love you both way too much to let anyone hurt you. I'll leave the decision up to you. You have an appointment with your therapist in a few days. She can help bring him out if you decide that's for the best." 

"I'll think about it. Right now, I just want to sleep. I'm tired." Ricky muttered.

"You and me, both, babe." Ryan checked his phone to make sure his alarm was set, then turned off the lamp. "Goodnight. I love you."

He snuggled in closer. "I love you, too." 

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Hours and hours later, well into the AM, back on the nicer side of town Kuza and Devin were finally getting home. Kuza wasn't exactly poor these days. They could afford to stay out at the club all damn night. With the vixen he had claimed as his, he definitely was more than happy to show off her body. He paid for it, anyways. He should get to parade her around town, and it's not like she was complaining about it.

They stumbled through the door in a heated kiss. Kuza slammed the door shut behind them, then quickly hoisted her off the ground. Devin laughed as she was thrown over his shoulder. He carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Kuza ran his hands along her fishnets, continuing up her dress. He found the front of her garter belt and popped off the ribbons, allowing him to remove her underwear. 

He slowly pulled her thong down her legs with his teeth. Kuza worked it over her heels, throwing the garment off somewhere else. "You were such a slut tonight. I saw the way you were eye fucking that guy with the Crue tattoo."

"I wanted to take him back home with us, but he was straight. Straight guys are boring." She whined.

Kuza laughed, "I can agree with that. C'mere, kitten." He pulled her hips to the edge of the bed and wrapped her legs around his head.

He didn't break eye contact with her as he started to eat her out. They hadn't shied away from having other sexual partners over the years, both before and after Devin had SRS, but they hadn't found anyone that could please them quite like each other. When you love someone so deeply, it was hard not to find everything they did as a turn on. 

Then again, Kuza was just very good in the bedroom. As he was pleasing his queen, he slipped a finger inside of her, followed by a second. He stood up and started going a little rougher, making her practically scream.

"Fuck, baby," He moaned as he leaned down to her face. "The neighbors are going to think I'm murdering you in here."

She stopped to catch her breath for a moment. "Well, you're slaying my pussy, so kind of." 

He chuckled, "I fucking love you." Kuza retracted his fingers and licked her fluids off of them. "Now, are you going to be a good girl and go willingly, or am I going to have to drag you down to your knees?"

Devin looked back at him with a daring glance. "What'd you think?" 

Kuza faked a dramatic sigh. "Always being so difficult." He stood back up and grabbed her by her legs. Pulling her down off the bed, he guided her to the floor in front of him. Just as he went to unbuckle his pants, his phone buzzed. "For fuck's sake." 

She whimpered, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Babe."

"Just let me make sure it's not important. I worry when it's this late." He said. Kuza pulled his phone from his back pocket, reading over the text. "It's Chris. He was asking if I was up, and said he wanted to talk whenever I was available. Sounds important, but, I'm not available just yet."

"Damn right you aren't." She replied and grabbed him by the belt buckle.

Devin pushed him over to the bed. He collapsed down on the mattress with a wide smile on his face. It didn't matter if they fucked every night. Hell, it could be every hour. They'd still never get sick of it. They were addicted to each other's love. Most relationships that get in this fever don't last. The honeymoon phase usually fades, but not for them. They've been passionately in love for years now. They're one of the lucky few. 

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alrighty, i've got a few ideas of what i want to happen, but what do you guys want to happen? throw your ideas at me <3 

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