Chapter 21 | Privacy

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It became apparent pretty fast that Mike and Devin were one of those couples that were too kissy and cute for their own good. Chris wasn't bothered by it, though. If he made her happy, that's all that mattered. Even if the night hadn't gone exactly like he'd hoped, he wasn't upset. Getting to spend some time with everyone, minus Ricky, was great. He was also pretty happy to finally be able to meet Mike.

"So, this is the guy, huh?" Vinny asked as they walked in the room.

"Mhm. This is Mike." She proudly responded, "That's Vinny, Ryan, Jeremy, Nikki, and Ashley."

"It's good to finally be able to put faces to names." He said.

"Yeah, same to you. You've done good for yourself, Dev." Ryan replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked.

He gave her a quick wink, "Ya know."

"Oh- Oh! Yeah, he's pretty hot, isn't he?" Devin smirked and glanced up at him.

Mike snaked his hands around her waist, giving her an Eskimo kiss. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me."

"Embarrassing you?" She questioned, "How's it embarrassing to call you hot?"

"Because it makes me blush when you say it, and I don't like looking cute and shit in front of other people. I'm supposed to be a scary demon."

"You can be scary and cute at the same time. Cats are." She replied.

Mike laughed shortly. He leaned down, kissing behind her ear and whispering something to her. No one else caught what he said but whatever it was, it made her cheeks blush. Devin's hands tightened around the fabric of her dress. She didn't want her friends to see exactly what he could do to her, so she pulled him to sit down for the time being. 

Vinny, whom had been kicked to the floor as per usual, turned around to steal some popcorn from Ryan. "Is Rick okay?" He asked. 

Ryan shrugged, coldly responding, "How would I know?"

"You're his best friend. He would'a told you why he left."

"He doesn't tell me a lot of things these days." He muttered. 


"Vin," Chris gently cut him off, "Leave it be."

He looked back at Chris weirdly, wondering what exactly he missed. The truth was no one knew exactly why Ricky left in such a rush, other than Ryan. He said he wasn't feeling well but they could see straight through that. Chris especially could tell but he didn't want to pressure the situation right now. He had enough shit on his plate.

"So, Mike," He spoke as he sat down on the adjacent couch, "Am I allowed to ask about everything out front with Gaia?"

"Oh, yeah, wasn't she supposed to be here?" Ashley asked.

"She decided to go home, to avoid any problematic situations." Chris answered.

Mike replied, "I don't care. I'll tell you whatever you want to know but you probably won't like it. The truth can be a bitch sometimes."

He nodded. "Okay. Maybe it should wait for another time, then. Anyways, you guys wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure! You should pick since it's your birthday." Ash said.

"As long as it's horror." Devin responded.

"What'd you care? You'll be too busy eating Mike's face to watch the movie." Vinny snapped at her.

She leaned over at swatted his shoulder. "I'm starting to see why Ryan abuses you so much."

"I'm tellin' you, he asks for it." Ryan deadpanned. 

Just for the Hell of it, he kicked Vinny over on his side. This time Vinny hit him back as he sat up. He calmly handed the bowl of popcorn in his lap over to Nikki. Then, toppled over the tiny freshmen. Ryan may not have been on the wrestling team like Vinny was, but he could still easily kick his ass.

Devin face palmed herself with a sigh, "Great. Now they've evolved from casual abuse of each other to just beating each other up."

"Maybe it does something for them." Mike muttered to her, following it up with a laugh. 

"This is honestly more entertaining than a movie would be." Nikki said.

Ash narrowed her eyes at him, "You're such a sadist."

"Yes, and?"

"Point taken... Chris? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled after having zoned out for a second, "I was just thinking about something but it's nothing. How's Freddy VS Jason sound?" 

"It sounds great." Nick spoke as he came down the stairs. "I'm crashing your party. None of my friends are free tonight."

"You don't have any friends." Chris responded. He got up from the couch to grab the remote from under the TV. As he did, he gestured back to everyone, "But I guess I can lend you mine for a night."

Devin wiggled out of Mike's arms a bit. "Oh, Nick! Can I ask a favor?"

"Yeah, sure."

She stood up and muttered something to him that she didn't want anyone else to hear. He nodded, though he didn't seem to happy about whatever she asked. Regardless, he wanted her to be happy. He wasn't exactly sure why but there was something so endearing about her. Making Devin upset was like making a puppy upset. 

Devin grabbed Mike's hand and pulled him out of the room. The others were a little taken back but it's not like they didn't see that one coming. Who knows how long it's been since those two lovebirds saw each other. At least they were willing to take it somewhere private instead of making out in front of everyone else.

"What'd she ask you?" Chris asked his brother as he sat down next to him.

"She asked if she could borrow my room to talk with him." He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Talk." He snorted, "Yeah, right."

| | |

Devin led her boyfriend up to the second floor of the house. She decided to ask Nick to borrow his room because she knew he wouldn't mind as much. Chris would've probably been a little more bothered by it. Either way, their family had always treated her as one of their own. That was something she felt she'd never be able to properly repay them for.

Mike wrapped his hands around her waist while she closed the door. "I've missed you so much, Beautiful." 

She turned around in his arms, snaking her own over his shoulders. "I've missed you so fucking much. I'm sorry I can't see you as much anymore."

"Shhh, no. Baby, it's not your fault. You can't change your dad's decision. We only have two more years until you can leave the house." He said, to which she whimpered. "I know it sounds like a lot but it'll go by fast."

"I don't think I can wait that long to tell him the truth. I know I'm just going to snap one of these days." Devin rested her head on his shoulder. "And it's going to be a lot harder to wait that long to let you make love to me. No one has to know."

"I'm not taking the chance we could get busted. I trust you, I do, but I just... I can't." 

"You wouldn't be this paranoid for no reason." She replied.

"I've learned from my mistakes. Let's just say that. Not all women are as kind and loving as you, my dear." He titled her head up delicately and pressed his lips to hers.

It was right. She knew that. When he kissed her, it just felt right. Mike was the one to help her realize who she is and she'd love him for an eternity for that. He's made a bad habit of keeping his past a secret, though. Devin couldn't help up worry. With Gaia around, some of Mike's past was going to start coming out. She didn't know how their relationship would fair when it does. 

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