I'm sorry

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John had been apologizing to Alex since the day they had met.

"I'm so sorry," a third grade John had said to Alex when he bumped into him on the bus.
"No problem," Alex replied with a giggle, "you didn't have to apologize, though."

He had apologized before their first kiss.

"You look great," said a freshman Alex to John, moving a curl that was hiding Hus emerald green eyes, "you always do."
"I'm sorry," John had replied, looking down at his feet nervously.
"For what?" Laughed Alex, "you didn't do anything."
"No, but I'm about to." And with that, he leaned in and kissed Alex, soaking in everything, the taste of his lips, his hands in his hair, the way he kissed back without a second thought. At that moment he knew he truly loved Alex.

He even apologized on their wedding day.

"The rings, please," the priest called out. Alex gracefully slipped the wedding band onto John's finger, making John giggle with joy.
John shakily grabbed the other ring, and like the clumsy nerd he was, dropped it. Without a second thought, Alex swopped down and caught it. He handed it to John with a grin.
"I'm sorry," whispered John, sliding the ring onto Alex's finger. Instead of saying he forgave John, Alex just rolled his eyes and pressed their lips together, as the priest said, "you may now kiss the groom."

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