♚ | TEASER 05

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 this does NOT mean someone was chosen

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"get away from me."

mark pouted at the girl and took the seat next to hannah despite her words.

"you seem quite moody today"

"i've always been like this, are you telling me i'm always moody?" she glanced away from her paperwork and to the boy next to her.

he let out a small sigh and turned away from her to face the front board, resting his chin in his hand. mark side eyed the homework hannah was doing "wasn't that our homework for this class?" "yeah" "and you're doing it now?" she never tore her eyes away from the papers "and why does that concern you?"


she dropped her pencil and slammed her hands on the shared table in one same motion, turning a few heads around them. hannah sent a deadly glare to the boy, making him shrink a little in his seat "...what?" "will you stop bothering me?" she held the eye contact.

"a please would be nice"

she kept staring at him, squinting a little before retreating back to finishing her chemistry homework. the only reason she was doing this so last minute, was because she didn't feel like doing it the night before and she was confident she could finish before class started.

"okay, now you're just asking to be bothered"

"i'm not going to give in into.. whatever you and the other whatever princes are doing"

mark tilted his head, as if he was confused (real or not) "what do you mean?" "whatever it's supposed to mean! how am i supposed to know?" "well you're the one that said-"

"ahem." a third voice intercepted the building argument.

mark and hannah turned to their teacher standing near their table, staring right back at them. they didn't even notice class has started.

mark awkwardly coughed and turned to face the front of the class "my apologies, miss."

the teacher continued to stare at them before finally giving him a nod, indicating he was off the hook for the third time this weak.

hannah let out a dry laugh at how ridiculous the teachers acted around the princes, treating some of the other students unfairly despite their important status.

mark seemed to have taken notice of it, though "..what?" he asked in a whisper, right after the teacher continued their lesson.

"nothing, you're just ridiculous"

"i didn't do anything!"

"you're always the teachers favorite because you're a prince. if we were to get into trouble for talking in class, it wouldn't even be we because i would be the one getting into trouble. it's unfair" she scribbled a few chemistry notes in her notebook.

"that's not true, there are many princes and princesses here, you know, like you"

this time, she let out a snort "what, are you taking flirting lessons from jackson wang now?"

"t-that.. um..." honestly, he didn't know what got to him, he usually wasn't this straightforward. was this a sign to something?

finally happy from getting the last word, hannah turned her attention back to the class and took down the notes on the board.

"i still don't-"

"ugh! you're so annoying, shut up!"

"mark. hannah. out of the class. now."

okay, maybe it was a little fair.

okay, maybe it was a little fair

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