Chapter 5

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Lucas and I were now dating. I am so happy i literally got the guy of my dreams. He knows a lot of stuff about me. My dark past, which hurts like hell to talk about to anyone. I made a promise to him to never hurt myself again (even though I already promised it to Haley). With that we walked downstairs, hands laced. I was blushing a deep shade a maroon. When we got to the bottom of the steps I noticed Haley and Marcus in a make out session "If you could please stop eating each others faces so we can start the movie." I said they immidialtly sat up. Haley saw the blush I was hiding "Oh don't act so innocent Savanna, from that blush on your face you and Lucas were probably doing the same" Haley said. Lucas decided to step in "No that is not blush, it was just really warm in my room." He said with a chuckle. I playfully punched his arm and whispered "Lucas, shut. The. fuck. up" That only made him laugh more. "So at you two a couple bow?" Haley asked (so I think I may have forgot to mention Haley and Marcus are saying. Sorry)  )Lucas was flustered for like the first time ever so I spoke up. "Yeah we are Hay". "You owe me a pizza!" Haley shouted at Marcus. He just groaned so I guessed she did a bet. "Let me guess you and Haley bet that me and Lucas were gonna get together in two weeks?" I said. Haley had a smug look on her face and nodded. "Never bet against Haley unless you consult with me first cause out of us two I always win" The twins chuckled and nodded. It was Haley's choice of the movie and guess what she picked. Fifty fucking shades of grey. "A whole movie about sec? Really Haley?" I asked. She just laughed nodded and turned it on (the movie you dirty mind you). A part came when the people did the deed for like the zillionth time and I noticed Lucas had a hard on I noticed This and just brushed this off. He can take care of himself. 😂😉. I got tired of people fucking so I went into the kitchen and got a smoothie and checked my phone. Cal had texted he was my best friend other than Haley.

C: What's up
S: Nothing much Haley is watching a sex movie right now with her boyfriend and his brother.
C: Wow. That sounds like Haley
S: Lol oh gtg they are calling me
C: Okay bye talk to you tomorrow

I got into the living room and said "is it over?" Haley smiled and said "Yep." Popping the "P". I looked at the clock "I say it is time to hit the hay. We might have school tomorrow." They all nodded in agreement. I climed on the top bunk I was drifting off to sleep but before I fell asleep I said "Goodnight Lucas" After that darkness consumed me.

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