~Of Unknowing and Nightmares~

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'Oh my darling Pine Tree~'  Bill whispered into Dipper's ear, sliding his fingertips across the shaking brunette's wrist. He simply smirked at Dipper, ignoring the shrilling cries and pleas from the towns people as they burned away, their bodies being licked at and scorched with the flickering flames rising from the ground. Dipper stood shaking, completely without the ability to move or speak. He couldn't even close his widened eyes as he watched his beloved family cry out their final words, crumpling like frail pieces of paper. 'Do not be afraid~' Bill cupped one hand around Dippers face, wiping away a fallen tear with his thumb. Dipper couldn't even comprehend what was going on. 'Dipper, I'm granting you the honor of living and being the prince in the world I shall create. You have no reason to be afraid of me~' Dipper shook his head, burning despair  filling his lungs, creating words with his lips. 'You're a monster.' he choked out, words dripping with venom. 'Me? Love, we're monsters together..' Bill only smiled, but it wasn't an innocent, genuine smile. It was the twisted smile of a sadistic killer that made your stomach churn.

Dipper arched his back, throwing his head into the pillow as he awoke with a start, gasping like had been strangled. Sweat made his bangs stick to his forehead, eyes swollen and bloodshot with tears stricken across his flushed cheeks. He shook as he breathed, trying to calm his racing, aching brain. "Pine Tree, breathe." Bill spoke gently as he sat up from the other side of Dipper's side. Dipper hiccupped a few times, and then he suddenly wrapped his arms quickly around Bill, shoving his face into the blonde's neck. "Pine Tree.." Bill started but Dipper cut him off quickly.

"No, shut up and just hold me until I can fall back asleep" Dipper whispered, winding his arms tightly around Bill's waist tightly until he was practically in Bill's lap. Bill didn't ask anything, instead he placed an arm around Dippers lower back and the other in his hair, winding and tangling its way through the mussed chestnut hair of the smaller male, whispering soothing things. Dippers breathing was no longer erratic, and instead shallow and even. His eyes were closed again, his chapped lips slightly parted. Bill was surprised at how quickly he had fallen back asleep after his nightmare, but smiled at the boy on top of him. What that weight in his ribcage meant, he did not know. Something about having a human soul. He thought about how this was the boy he had attempted to kill when he was 12, and now he was holding the same kid as he slept. He just shook his head, a small smile still playing on his lips. He leaned back until he was laying flat on the sheets, closing his eyes, eyes up at the ceiling.

How could this happen? In all honesty, Bill didn't want to kill Dipper, but Dipper had gotten in the way of Bill's plan, and he thought that killing the boy wouldn't make much of a difference. But now, this boy had made a difference on him. He didn't want to hurt him or worry him or anything to come to him. Bill truly did not understand, but the thought of having Dipper as one of his priorities amused him. These human emotions, which he could not name, he apparently couldn't choose either. He tried to figure out what this dorky, brown-haired idiot meant to him. Every time Dipper opened his eyes with his line of sight aligned with Bill's his heart pumped faster and his breathing stopped. He felt weak and vulnerable, like a single touch would make him disintegrate  into dust. Every time Dipper showed any sign of fear or anger or sadness, Bill wanted to take his face in his hands and tell him that everything would be okay, even if it wouldn't.  He got a pang of a bad-feeling emotion every time someone else smiled at him a little too friendly. This weird complicated emotion made Bill want to laugh and smile and cry and shout in frustration. It made him want to hold Dipper for all of eternity and connect his lips to his, or run his fingers through his hair or across his skin. He never wanted Dipper to leave his side or pull away. Bill needed Dipper, and he was just trying to live with that.

The next morning, Dipper sat up and stretched his arms above his head, yawning in the process. He glanced over to see Bill's empty spot lazily. He sat there for a minute, staring off into space until the memory of the night before hit him like a brick wall. He inwardly cringed at his childish and cowardly behavior and rested his face into his palm. He swung his legs off the edge of the bed, going to the dresser and picking out a clean outfit for the day before going and taking a shower. He got dressed and dried his hair before walking out into the kitchen. Bill seemed to be engaged in a conversation with Mabel, sipping some tea from his mug. Stan and Ford were laughing at an inside joke in the corner of the counters. "Good morning." He said, trying to feign excitement and joy in his voice. Everyone looked up at him, but he only looked at Bill's surprised expression, which quickly transformed into a small smile. Everyone bid him their good mornings and as he poured himself some coffee, he felt cold fingertips against his wrist. He immediately knew who it was, so there was no point in turning around. 

"We need to talk, preferably in private." Bill murmured, only loud enough for Dipper to hear. Dipper raised an eyebrow but nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we probably should discuss some things.." Dipper murmured back, stirring his coffee. He couldn't deny everything that had been going on. It was time he acknowledged what was truly going on.

He was possibly in love with a demon he was possibly still afraid of.

(1016 words guys, I think that's a new record for me. Anyway, I've been pretty busy moving. I don't have wifi currently, so I won't be updating regularly. I just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading this crappy book, it makes me so happy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter that I wrote at 1 AM. If you have any comments at all, don't hesitate to comment or even PM me about the story. ~P.S.)

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