~Of Homocide Papers and Parties~

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Dipper sat at the edge of his window sill, legs dangling out the window with a cup of coffee clutched between his shaky palms. It was very early in the morning, but unfortunately Dipper hadn't gotten much sleep that night, so he eventually got out of bed at 3 AM to go grab some coffee. He played music softly from his phone, quiet enough that it wouldn't wake Bill in the other room, but he played music just to fill the eerie silence. He tried focusing on keeping his breaths even, inhaling the same amount of time as he exhaled. His thoughts jumped around, stirring up questions in his mind in which he couldn't conjure up answers. He tried erasing those thoughts and questions, but it was like that was the only thing stuck on his mind.

What was Dipper and Bill's relationship now?

Was this okay?

Does Dipper love Bill?

Does Bill love Dipper?

All of these questions, all equally important, and yet none of them had 100% pure answers. He picked up his phone and unlocked it after hearing a soft buzz. Mabel had texted him, of course, in all caps.


Dipper felt his cheeks grow warm but he just ignored it. Like she had any room to talk. Dipper had known that his sister was pretty much head over heels for her best friend, Pacifica Northwest, since forever.

He bit on his thumb nail in thought. What would he wear? What if everyone left him? Parties simply weren't his thing. He never was one for alcohol either, but for Mabel's sake he quickly typed up a response saying that they would be there. He turned his phone off and felt his eyelids grow a little heavy. He drifted off into a light sleep, up until he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and pick him up off the window sill, slightly startling the brunette. 

"Hey hey, calm down Pine Tree, its only me." Bill laughed and nuzzled his face into the crook of Dippers neck. Dipper relaxed a bit and twisted his body around in Bills arms to face him, wrapping his arms around the slightly taller male's neck. "I walked in here to say good morning and you were damn near falling off the window sill." Bill smirked at him with his messy morning hair. 

Dipper smiled and closed his eyes, leaning tiredly on Bill. "We're going to the Northwest manor tonight at 7:30 because Mabel and Pacifica are throwing a party and they want us to go." 

Bill just nodded, still smiling at the sleepy boy, and keeping a firm hold on him so he didnt fall to the floor as he leaned on Bill. "Sounds fine by me, but first lets go get some breakfast, okay?"

Dipper and Bill sat across from each other at the small dining room table, each quietly eating their pancakes which Bill had so courteously cooked for them. (Dipper didn't think Bill was this good of a cook).  Dipper rapped his fingertips on the table surface and Bill was reading a newspaper that had been left on the counter. "Gravity Falls homocide..?" Bill mumbled and raised an eyebrow, looking closer at the article. Dipper looked up from his plate and tilted his head in confusion

"Homocide? Do they have a suspect?" Dipper got up to put his dish in the sink, grabbing Bill's as he went. He placed them gently on the sink and walked over to where Bill was sitting. He put a hand on each of Bill's shoulders and leaned down to look over his shoulder at the paper.

"It wont show the suspect because of a 'privacy policy' or something, I'm not sure. But the victim was that guy with black hair and a black hoodie with the bleeding stitched heart.." Bill struggled to remember his name, but the last he had seen him, he was an angsty teenager. He mustve been in his 20's by the time he was killed. "And it also says that the weapon they found was a pair of scissors.."

Dipper furrowed his eyebrows together. He never really enjoyed Robbie's presence, to say the least, but damn. Nobody really deserves to be stabbed to death with a pair of scissors. They dismissed the topic and went about their day, Dipper cleaning up the shack and Bill drawing peacefully on the couch, listening to the radio play some crappy 2011 punk rock music. Dipper would glance over at him and see him humming along to the lyrics and almost laugh. Sometimes he swore Bill acted so childish for an once-all-knowing and destructive dream demon.

The boys started getting ready for the party around 6:50 that evening in separate rooms.  Dipper sighed, leaning his back against the wall and thinking things over. 

Did he really want to go to a party?

He wasnt very social, parties were often just a string of awkward encounters. He stood straight again and looked at himself in the mirror, straightening his jacket. He wore a casual blue jacket over a white t-shirt with some black jeans and blue sneakers and his brunette hair an untameable mess. Bill knocked softly at Dippers door, but walked in anyway before Dipper could even respond. 

"Are you ready?" Bill crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head, examining Dipper's outfit. Bill wore a yellow t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it and ripped black jeans. Dipper sighed and nodded slowly, following Bill out of the room hesitantly. 

"Ready as I'll ever be.." 

//This chapter was absolute crap I am so incredibly sorry. I'll try and do a double update tonight to make up for it. Trust me, I have things planned. I'll also probably edit this chapter at one point. Please remember to leave a vote! Love y'all! ~Author

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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