~Of Confessions and Storms~

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Dipper was outside, sitting on the railing on the porch, winging his legs back and forth with a can of Pitt Cola in his palms. He watched as dark gray clouds inched closer, darkening the forest. Wind was already starting to blow, making Dipper's hair blow back, revealing his birthmark on his forehead. He sipped his cola, feeling the carbonation burn his tongue and his throat. He heard the front door creak open on its hinges and footsteps against the old wooden boards of the porch. He turned his head slightly to see who it was, but he knew instantly when he saw the familiar blonde and black hair. Dipper couldn't help the dorky smile that spread across his lips when Bill jumped up and sat next to him on the railing. "Why aren't you inside? It's cold out here." Bill said, looking out at the clouds as he rubbed his arms.

Dipper hummed quietly, shrugging. "I don't know, it's peaceful out here. Gruncle Stan and Great Uncle Ford are going on one of their adventurous monster hunts tomorrow, and Mabel is taking the opportunity to go to a full week sleepover at Pacifica's house, so it'll just be you and I for a week until Mabel comes back, but Gruncle Stan and Ford won't be back for a month." Dipper spoke softly like he was tired. Bill simply nodded, understanding the situation.

"So.. Look can we maybe discuss last night?" Bill said blatantly, looking at Dipper. Shadows casted  over them from the small amount of light shining through the dark thick clouds. Dipper's breath hitched. How do you explain something that you don't even understand? He looked at the grass below his dangling feet, swaying in the wind. 

"I suppose so. Where do I begin?" Dipper laughed softly, still avoiding Bill's gaze. Dipper hadn't ever been the best with expressing himself with spoken words. He was a writer, which was part of the reasons he had admired the journals so much. They explained everything in such intricate detail, and whenever Dipper tried to explain a paranormal event to Mabel, he would mix his words together until his sentences were just bits and pieces. 

"Just start with the nightmare you had. You don't have to be nervous of telling me, Pi- Dipper. I'm serious for once." Bill tried out a smile, but it quickly vanished when he looked at Dipper's face, filled with hurt and desperation and confusion. He looked almost sickly. Bill reached out and placed a hand gently onto the shorter male's shoulder, carefully scooting closer to him. "Tell me."

"Weirdmeggedon. When you tried to overrule this dimension back when Mabel and I were 13. You wanted me to be your prince of the new dimension. You told me not to be afraid, and you grabbed my wrist, but I couldn't feel it. I could hardly make out your words over the petrifying shrieks of the people I loved.. What was even worse is that part of me wanted to. Part of me wanted to be your prince because part of me loved you.." Dipper shut his eyelids tightly, biting back tears. He couldn't understand what the hell was wrong with him. He coughed to hide a sob and hoped Bill wouldn't spot the difference. 

The blonde's face was unreadable, but he sighed and looked up at the swirling clouds in the sky, rain drops spattering every once in a while on the roof of the mystery shack. "Do you..'love' me? Or did you only love me in that dream?" Bill closed his eyes and reached out his hand to feel the cold rain on his fingertips.

Dipper couldn't hold back his tears this time. He took a moment which almost seemed an eternity for the two of just silence until Dipper replied sorrowfully, "I don't know. I wouldn't say that I love you, but even having any sort of romantic attraction to you is just so...I don't even know what I'm supposed to call it. Overwhelming, I guess? I should despise you, and I should want you dead, but I don't. Part of me understands why you do the things you do, and it just makes me wonder if that makes me a monster as well.." Dipper choked out the last part before placing his face in his hands, crying quietly. 

"Dipper! What are you talking about? That doesn't make you a monster, that makes you understanding and compassionate. Half the people here would kill me, given the chance, and they have no idea why I did what I did. I had to do that, because my life as a ruler in the other dimension was falling apart and I wanted to be king forever. I didn't realize that your dimension doesn't work that way, if that makes sense. In the other dimension, you fight to get to the top, and the closer you get to the bottom, the closer you are to dying. You know what? That doesn't matter right now. Things are different and I have no other motives than to be close to you." 

Dipper inhaled sharply in a gasp and looked up at Bill's concerned face, the blonde's eyebrows pushed together and his dark gold eyes widened. "Why would you want to be close to me if it has no real benefit to you? Why me?"

"It does benefit me, in a way. Being here, I need some sort of relationship with someone, regardless if that relationship is friendship or romantic. You humans aren't so independent. You rely on others, so I rely on you. And also, I chose you to rely on because you are by far my favorite human. Like you said, I'm a bit overwhelmed with how I feel towards you. I don't love you, and yet I have some sort of romantic attraction to be with you all the time and its strange, especially for someone like me." Bill kept his eyes fixated on the brunette, who was now sitting there in utter shock written over his face.  "What do you call that, Pine Tree? When you are caught between just a friendship love and a romantic love?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. I'm still trying to figure that out myself.."

//Bam! New update! *flips laptop off desk* I finally did it. I know I left it off on a cliffhanger, but I suppose yall will just have to wait till the next chapter is posted. (Im so sorry.) Also, this chapter was basically just word vomit. I had planning of what the confession would be like, so I just kinda slammed my fingers into the keyboard and hoped it'd make sense. I really hope yall enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any suggestions of comments or anything then just feel free to comment! Okay, thats all. ~Love, P.S. 

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