Chapter 49

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Kurapica woke up early the next morning and quietly got up to make coffee. He glanced back at the other bed where Kuroro was apparently still sleeping. No movement from him, so the blond had a few moments to sift through his conflicted thoughts about the older man. It was kind of humiliating, in a way, how easily he was falling for his charms. He had thought he had more self-control than this, but apparently his body just reacted to Kuroro's thouches despite his misgivings about the Spider Head. Oh gods, this was just all kind of wrong. He shouldn't be feeling this good when Kuroro touched him. He missed the anger and the hatred. Things were so much easier when all he knew of the man was that he was the one who was the cause for all of Kurapica's pain and anguish over the last few years. Yet, just a touch from Kuroro and the blond went along with everything that the taller man wanted of him. Was he really ready to let go of his pride and pay the price for his clansmen's eyes with his own body? Apparently, he was. And it was a small sacrifice, really. The only thing he wasn't entirely okay with was that he was so willing to pay that price, that he was actually looking forward to Kuroro touching him.

A soft rustle was his sole warning that his companion was awake, and two strong arms wrapped around his waist. He was pulled back again a solid chest and Kuroro leaned his chin forward onto the blond's shoulder. Kurapica flicked the switch that would start the coffee maker. "Good morning," Kuroro said, right by his ear, and really, it wasn't fair how his voice set Kurapica's heart hammering in his chest. "Zenny for your thoughts."

"I think we've already established that my thoughts are worth quite a bit more than just a zenny," Kurapica answered, which earned him a chuckle. Decidedly unfair. "You're holding me too tightly," he muttered, to cover the fact that he was troubled at how easy it was to let this man touch him, now. "Let go."

"No way," Kuroro said, and pulled him back towards one of the bed, ignoring Kurapica's sputtered protests. When he sat, he pulled the blond to sit between his legs, one of his hands splayed over this abdomen and inching lower.

Kurapica tried to find it in himself to pull away, to slap him or punch him or, or anything of the sort. Instead, he realized he was holding his breath, keeping himself very, very still. When Kuroro slipped the tip of his fingers just under the waistband of his cotton pants, he manage to grumble, "Again?" He tried to wriggle free, but it was a half-hearted effort at best. "Didn't we just do this last night?"

There was that chuckle again, then Kuroro said, "Sure, but I want more." Kurapica froze. More? He wanted more? Oh gods, he wasn't ready yet, he wasn't! "We have a long way ahead," the Spider head continued. "A few days without access to a shower, I just want to make the best of this room. Might as well, you know?"

"Don't tell me you can't last a few days without sexual release," Kurapica scoffed.

"I can," Kuroro assured him, "but I don't want to." He slipped his fingers out and placed his hands over Kurapica's crotch, over the fabric of his pants. He rubbed lightly and the blond could feel himself reacting already and this was all terribly humiliating, yet exhilarating all the same. There must be something wrong with him. "Seems like you don't want to, either," the older man commented.

"Shut up," the blond replied.

"Can do," Kuroro said with another chuckle. He nipped at the back of his neck, his teeth scraping lightly over his skin, and Kurapica completely forgot how to breathe. How did Kuroro get so good at this, anyway? There was that soft, exci– annoying laughter again and the older man commented, "You like that, hm?"

"Seriously," Kurapica grouched, "shut up." Another soft, amused sound from Kuroro, and he slid his hand upwards and slipped it into Kurapica's pants. His mouth latched on the crook of his neck and he started pumping his hand lazily, making the blond gasp softly. And he could feel him, could feel Kuroro getting harder against his backside and that was both exciting and terrifying all at once. Yes, he was willing to go that far, even with the man who was the cause for all of his heartache, but he needed some kind of mental preparation, first. It wasn't that easy! Kuroro sucked harder and Kurapica heard a soft, barely audible sound and was shocked to realize it came from him.

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