This may actually not suck

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*DJ's POV*

I'm packing my bags

"Ok so trousers ,  shoes ,  trainers,  hats ,  electronics ,  hair products ,  jackets,  toothbrush,  shampoo ,  shower\bathroom stuff ,  teddies ,  underwear ,  etc some other stuff i cant remember actually excited im actually going America in a few hours ahhhhhh i have been in Britain for to long now im finally leaving ....but wait ....what of people don't like me and my British ways,  what if i get bullied.....again ok ok now im scared lets just finish packing " i say in fear.

*get bullied .....again well the reason why she going to america is because she was the school freak and just because she was different to other people they treated her like shit *

 "ugh OK everything packed , shizzle i need to go check what room i have and who i am i sharing with "i said in frustration

i go on to my cool blue dell laptop and checks the website

" ok so her name is .....cameron??  So wait Cameron is a girl name to??? Or maybe im just reading it wrong nope im actually reading it right.... Well this may actually be interesting.... I hope i just don't want this to suck so im just gonna think on the bright side ,  my stuff is packed and my flight leaves in 4 hours so now i need to get ready and say my goodbyes ughhhh" i said in tiredness

i  take a shower ,  gets into a long jordon top with black jeans , some fresh kicks with Michael Jordan signed hat i put on my perfume and carries my stuff down stairs which all took me1 hour and a half .ugh i swear im late

 " mom ,  dad im ready "?! i said in excitement 

*mom: not birth mother , but DJ dont know that they have kept it from her , her name is Roxxanay Gordon, 31, adopted DJ when she was a few months old,  DJs real parents were abusive so she was put for adoption*

*Dad : not birth father ,  he wants to tell DJ but he just can't he doesn't want to see his only child in so much pain, his name is Rae Gordon ,  35,  he was the one who reported DJs birth parents because he saw them hit her more than enough times*

" oh honey please don't go it was like only yesterday when you were in your nappy running around the house ahhh "my mother said in motherness

 " oh babe stop scaring her we should make sure she goes plus we could always have another child not offending you DJ"my father said in fatherness

" thanks dad no offence taken , mom its ok you will see me in most Holliday's "i said with sarcasm

 "most holidays my Back Foot what do you teck me for?! I wanna see you every damn weekend my mother said in patwa.

 " Babe relax that's physically impossible hubby so please let the girl be ugh BOOJANEY come home to visit as much as you like and sometimes we will visit "my father said in embarrassment

*BOOJANEY : its a nick name well you see they call her boo as her baby name and DJ is short for Dijanay so as she grew older they mixed up the both to represent young age and old age of her  she hates it when people call her Dijanay because it means breakfast in french ha ha soo embarrassing so she made up DJ most people dont even know her real name*

" yeah sure thanks dad  i will miss you a lot like your the reason why I am like this and i love it and i will love you even more if there is money in your pocket with my name on it ha ha just want a lil spending money"i said in spoiltness

 "ha ha you sly fox and you learnt from the best aka me but anyway English money and American is so different that i have no clue how much to give .....OK here is £800 please boojaney use it wisely me and your mother have put £2000 in your bank if we see that you have spent to much of it at a time we will shutdown the account do you hear me? Now i love you to and i will miss you boo"my father said in coolest

" thanks dad and trust me i won't just waste your money like that im not a spoilt brat OK ill just save up on top of what you gave me and become rich ha ha just kidding
Then again anything can happen bye i love you dad"i said in daughterness

" thats my girl and bye see you in a couple of months and stay safe please" he said in care

"will do dad now mom i will miss you and your worry ways i know you only do this to protect me so thank you but now you have to let me go i love you i will see you in a few months mommy"i said in concern

 " oh boo i love you to stay safe,  call or text me everyday,  keep your grades up, if there are distractions put them down,  do what teachers say,  obey and follow rules we never raised you in a farm ,  no sex till after studies ,  you were raised in a Jamaican house hold so don't be afraid to show it,  no drugs ,  no drinking ,  maybe no parties and......"she said with A LOT of care.

 "ok i get it get i know the last rule 'dont forget who you are' you tell me these rules for everywhere i go mom i love you bye"i said in irritation

" ok thats good they are stuck in your head forever *kmt* anyway bye hunny i don't want  you to miss your flight "she said in less care.

" good now bye mom and bye dad see you in a couple of months i love you both "i said in a rush

She picks up her bags and leaves gets into her Honda and drives to the airport she gets there unloads her stuff then the car gets dropped of to america by a chofurr she paid she goes through the metal detector: after 20 long minutes it was done and I got my ticket excited to go on with my journey to Michigan state college in America! .

Hours have passed and the plane landed ,finally DJ was at school she signed in and went off asleep in her dorm hoping her roommate will be here with a smile greeting with joy but DJ not knowing that she may have the worst roommate ever

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