fraxus // for you

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A/N ♥︎ waaahhh this one shot is kind of simple n' short n' a bit cheesy and i'm sorry!!! it's kinda a filler as i haven't updated in a while oopssss... anyway i hope y'all enjoy nevertheless. credit to the artist for the fanart, i loooveee it // ♥︎ L
"Are you going to tell me how you got that black eye, or am I going to have to guess?"

"W-what?" Laxus Dyer slowly turned from where he was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, to see his boyfriend, Freed Justine, leaning cooly against the door frame.

Freed scoffed, twirling a lock of green hair around his forefinger. "You thought I wouldn't notice?"

Laxus sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve, "I'm fine." He turned around and tried to push past his boyfriend, but was stopped. "Seriously babe, I'm okay!"

Freed rolled his eyes and blocked the way, so that Laxus wasn't able to leave. "Please," he sighed. "Tell me what happened."

A hot blush crept up the blond boy's neck and he clenched his fists, his knuckles cracking as he did so. He was embarrassed by the situation and was hoping to avoid his boyfriend for the night, not wanting to be interrogated.
When he didn't speak for a good few minutes, Freed stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, egging Laxus on. He was hoping to find out what was wrong so that he was able to fix it with comfort sex or cuddles – or both.

"Babe–" the green-haired boy started, his eyebrows knitted together sadly.

"People have been finding out about us." Laxus interrupted. "Today in town people were... saying things."

Freed crouched down in front of where Laxus was sitting on the shut toilet seat. "What kind of things?" He said.

The blond boy let out a shuddery breath and cupped Freed's face in one of his large hands. "They were insulting you, insulting us, saying disgusting things. I became irritated and you know what I'm like when I'm angry – I lashed out! I didn't mean to–" tears were welling up in his eyes again. "But they were stronger than I was and..." He pointed to the mauve bruise on his face. "... yeah."

Freed was listening intently, watching the usually-strong boy's tears fall. He was truly speechless. After collecting himself together, and deciding cuddles were better than sex, he stood up and stretched his hand out. "Come."

The pair left the bathroom and Laxus followed Freed into their shared bedroom. Together, they crawled under the freshly-washed sheets.

"I'm sorry." Freed said once they were all tucked up and lying on their sides facing one another.

"What for?" Laxus chuckled, knitting his eyebrows together. He no longer felt upset, his boyfriend was one of the only people able to instantly lift his mood.

Freed turned away from Laxus and inhaled deeply. "That people are finding out about us. I know it's ruining your rep and I'm sorry." This caused the dragon slayer to laugh deeply.

"My 'rep'?" Laxus repeated and saw Freed nod slowly. He laughed again and inched closer to where his boyfriend lay on the other side of the bed. His arm snaked around Freed's waist and he nuzzled his face into Freed's long hair. "If my 'rep' is destroyed so be it, as long as I get to be with you."

Freed instantly tensed up at Laxus' words. He rolled over once again so that he was face to face with the other boy. "You're so cheesy." He stated with a smile.

"You love it." Laxus retorted, pulling the boy into him. Freed chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes, playfully.

"Very true, Dyer." He exhaled deeply. "I also love you." Blushing at his own words, he hid his face in Laxus' chest.

It took the blond boy a while to answer. A short silence filled the air before he cleared his throat and ran a large hand through Freed's hair. "I love you too, Justine."

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