Chapter 1

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Sam PoV

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Sam PoV

Amazing game dudes!!! One more victory... we owned them out there.

People celebrating around me. Ok I should explain. I m Sam, 19, I study to become an engineer at one of the best universities in the country. I'm a great Basketball player and the team's captain. My team and I just won one more game, and we're celebrating just before we go home for the summer.

Zack: Dude you're spacing out again. Dude snap out of it.

Shit I keep spacing out lately... that's one of my best friends, Zack by the way. He looks like a skinnier shier version of Zane. Girls always say that to him. I love him as a bro, he is the team's assistant coach and trainer.

Zack: DUUUDE what the frak? Focus!! I heard as I felt a punch on my shoulder.

Sam: Sorry man I got lost in the vast complexity of my thoughts.

Zack: Pffff Sam go pet an ant... your complex brain made your body wear your shirt inside out again.

Sam: Shut up dude. It's my superior brain telling me not to be one and let the chicks drool over me before they faint. Come on will be late....

Zack: Yeah and then elect you as their master and worship you forever.. or until your girlfriend finds out and skin's you alive. Remember she is in Navy Special Forces training? OK? Now snap out of it.. I'll meet you outside let's go party...

Sam: Hey come on Zack... You know I never cheat.. Just let me dream.. It's been a dry semester with her so far away.

Zack: Dude Get out so I can lockup. We need to go to my place load our luggage in my car, so we'll be ready to go to the airport first thing.

Right so this is one of those little country towns, surviving thanks to the students who come live here for it's great University but also is supported by a lot of farming and heavy industry. My parents are in the military so we moved a lot, until I came to study and they are now enjoying their last two years before retiring. Only bad thing is that I 'm away from my girlfriend who is 8 hrs way by car or two hrs by plane.

Finally, we're at the party. All my bros and the hoes are rocking it... they are all hitting on each other, hitting on me. Though I wasn't always a looker I somehow grew to my looks, the past few years and being a basketball team captain as well as swimming champion has given me a rocking body and popularity. I m tall but not too tall just about 6 feet 3, with just the right amount of muscles, blond hair, brown-green eyes and just landed my first modeling gig.

Tonight's plan is to have an amazing time, then at dawn get my bro and go to his hometown do the modeling gig and then meet my girlfriend and sex the life out of us. Perfect plan right?


Zack PoV

After a bit of drinking.. ok a lot of drinking..

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