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Alex's POV

"Wow. Typically. You pretty little faces can't keep your nose out of others business." I retorted at her. Watching her face change from curiosity to anger. "Listen here, mate. You want to live in this town you listen to me. Cause you," she said pointing her talon of nails at me, "are an outsider. Small town one rumor can ruin everything." she snapped walking off to her bathroom. I scoffed at her attempt to threaten and scare me. I heard a shower turn on. I walked down listening to my ear phones. I was munching on an apple hearing a weird cord I took my ear phones out and her a song I knew well.

"Call me a sinner

Call me saint

Tell it's over I'll still love you same

Call me your favorite

Call me the worst

Tell me it's over I don't want you to hurt

It's all that I can say to I'll be on my way."

It was call me by shinedown. smiling at that thought it made me happy. a pretty girl and that song was a great combination.

A/n sorry short Ik. love you all.

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