"Smart-Rapper and Rap-Queen" -Mortal Activites

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Hephaestus: "Apollo? Remember the time you said you want a rap-battle?"

Apollo: "Yeah. I'm not sure Zeus will agree."

Poseidon: "Are you kidding me? Zeus will agree!"

Poseidon turns to Hera.

Poseidon: "Zeus will agree to a rap-battle, right?"

Hera: "Definitely! That would be amazing!"

She turns to the other Olympians.

Hera: "Does a rap-battle sound good other than moping around here arguing?"

Athena: "A rap-battle might turn out to be anything... I agree."

Demeter: "Fine, I'll join."

Artemis: "No cheating and I'm in."

All eyes stare at Zeus as if they were asking "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Zeus: "Okay, we'll be rapping."

Apollo: "I'll–"

Hermes: "You're going to be a judge. See who wins."

Hephaestus: "That's fair. I'll join too, Hermes, you better!"

Hermes: "Fine."

Apollo: "Okay."

Zeus: "Let the challenge begin! I'll start with Poseidon against me!"

Everyone shakes their heads.

Apollo: "No, Ares and Athena will start it!"



"You're so dumb, you put your head up high,
Just like a piece of scum, I hope you even die."


"Shut up you little–, you don't know what you're sayin'
Shame on scholars, right now, I hope your body's decayin'
Now deep, deep down, you just broke my dear feelings–
Nah, you're not even one of those worst dealings."


"Feel that bro? That's tension you're just makin'
I suggest you leave and losing. I'm stayin'
Zeus is king and let me be the King B.
Or at least, now, it soon happen, gee."


"Hahaha, you think you're so smart.
I guess I can get victory like that small hart.
I'm just playin' with that small, sick head
Look at that, your face's turning red."

Zeus: "Legendary. I can't believe Ares and Athena can rap."

Dionysus: "At any parties make a point to have Ares and Athena have a rap battle."


"What did you just SAY?!?
I'm not even GAY!"


"I'm clearly not stating the you're even gay.
In fact, what was worst was those words I say.
Listen up, your sick rapper, who doesn't even know how to rap,
Ask your self if you're amazing, and then you shut your trap!"




The whole room applauds and Ares threw a fit when he realizes: she managed to break his short fuse.

Apollo: "Next up, Hera and Poseidon!"



"Well look who it is, my old, old rival,
This battle with me will be now your own final.
Prepare yourself, Poseidon. Just prepare, and prepare
Fight fire with Fire, and you must take care."


"Fight fire with Fire, who are you even foolin'?
I extinguish fire, which I'm always even doin'.
You're so stupid, you marry a man you don't trust.
And now what happened? Your marriage turned to rust."


"Quite amazing, right? My fellow peers,
For right now, his women are his only dears.
You must bow down 'cause I'm the rap queen.
Can you here that? No, that's my victory."


"Since when did you even became Rap-Queen?
I'm the rap-king, I'm better than you've been.
Now please shut up 'cause I rule them all
Oh look at that, you're still at the mall."

Zeus: "Wow. Go Poseidon!"

Hera stops and glared at Zeus who pales.


"Oh, please shut up. You don't what you're sayin'
You act like a king but deep down you're just playin'
My job is serious and that's a promise, I state.
While Poseidon arrives at work very, very late."



Everyone claps their hands and Poseidon just realizes it was just a rap-battle.

Apollo: "I think that's it for now."

Hermes: "Yeah. Besides, I already have to deliver something in five minutes."

Athena: "What prize do the winners get?"

Hephaestus eagerly smiles and his eyes light up.

Hephaestus: "Let's start with the good news, Athena and Hera each get a watch that has many features, like texting, teleporting and mapping. And for the losers..."

He gives a sly smile to Poseidon and Ares. Poseidon groaned and Ares was still having the tantrum.


In your opinion, what will Hephaestus give them? Please say what you think in the comments below!

Oh yeah! Reminds me: It seems I valued music and Apollo too much. Ugh! The Cytherusian book is waiting to be published and I'm relaxing to press the button!

Also, I'm actually wishing someone could suggest something. Can you?

Next chapter is a unexpected-expected-I-dunno class. Probably because I'm updating it in a way I consider stupid. This chapter is for the game Tomodachi Life. It was quite fun to play and it has wonderful rap-battles!

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