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   In the Verona’s streets… outside the famed Capulet palace’s doors stood the two practical slaves of the said owners, Sampson and Gregory. The two slaves were conversing to each other until they noticed another pair of Montagues walking near towards them.

   “Draw your tool! There comes the two of the Montague’s house.” Gregory spoke to Sampson.

   The two got up to their acts and readied their weapons, stances on their sides and proceeded to mock the other peers with their silly antics.

   “Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?” Said one of the Montague’s slaves.

   “I bite my thumb sir.” Sampson replied.

   And they fought, how anti-climactic. While the practical slaves fought in front of the said palace doors, one from the Montagues entered. It was Benvolio.

   “Part, fools! Put out your swords, you know not what you do!” He commanded.

   At the same time, one from the Capulets entered also. It was Tybalt.

   “What you’ve? Turn, Benvolio, look upon death!” He threatened menacingly to the said Montague.

   Benvolio merely scowled to Tybalt.

   Tybalt pulled out his long sword from its sheaths and started speaking nonsense again to Benvolio whilst ignored by him, when he noticed he was ignored mercilessly… he rushed and attacked Benvolio. Benvolio was took off-guard by the sudden attack and blocked the unexpected strike.

   “Tybalt, you coward!” Benvolio shouted in anger.

   The two fought with their respective servants on their sides, making a scene on the streets. While the six fought, the crowd around them seemingly started to grow with one shouting “Down with the Montagues and the Capulets!” Not long after, the crowd grew many and they were shouting to the fighters.

   Finally, Lord Capulet entered the scene and commanded his trophy-wife for a sword. Lord Montague and his wife joined in the scene also and mocked his rival. This worsened the situation further until the Prince entered.

   “Rebellious subjects! Enemies to peace! Throw your weapons away and hear the sentence to your prince. Old Capulet and Montague, this is the third time you’ve disturbed the quiet of the streets. If you dared to disturb our streets again, your lives will pay your sins you’ve done!” the Prince informed.

   The crowd soon dispersed, terrified from the Prince because he was somehow ticked off. Benvolio joined the crowd and walked through an old path that led to a run-down tavern, he entered the said pub and saw Romeo sat next to the wooden counter with a glass on his hands.

   “Romeo!” Benvolio called.

   Romeo instantly turned his head behind him and saw his cousin looking him, he waved and turned to the counter. His cousin walked to the counter and sat at the high chair beside him, his cousin started the conversation.

   “Cousin, what seems to be the problem? Drinking at the middle of the day?” Benvolio asked worriedly. Romeo sighed because he was not clearly able to lie at his only cousin.

   “My relationship with Rosaline did not go well as planned, she left me for another man.” This angered Benvolio but his cousin realized that it already happened and it was impossible for him to help Romeo.

   The barkeep walked to the pair behind the counters, he saw the newcomer and greeted him. Benvolio nodded back and ordered for a light drink.

   “What happened?” Benvolio asked his cousin. Romeo started the whole situation starting from why he was left and how his used-to-be lover had done it. The barkeep listened, he was consented to hear the conversation unexpectedly.

   “How about going to this celebration that will happen in Capulet’s place?” The barkeep suggested, he earned two glares from the respective Montagues.

   The two Montagues was silent with Romeo slowly turning his frown upside down, this goes noticed by his cousin.

   “Cousin, don’t tell me you’re going to pry?” Benvolio asked rhetorically, of course he knows what is his cousin’s answer.

   “Obviously, my dear cousin.”

R & J by A.R.Where stories live. Discover now