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   The night passed and another day took over the streets of Verona. Inside the silent tavern that Romeo frequently visits had two people, they sat on their respective seats that were placed conveniently in front of the counter.

   The first one was Romeo’s friend, Mercutio.

   “Where is Romeo? Did he come home tonight?” Mercutio asked the one beside him.

   “I already spoke to him. Also, a kinsman of old Capulet has sent a letter dedicated to him.” The one that Mercutio spoke to was Romeo’s cousin, Benvolio.

   “What did the letter say?” Mercutio asked.

   “A challenge. Romeo will somehow answer it.” Benvolio informed.

   While the two talked about the imminent duel, Mercutio was angered about it. He asked Benvolio about the challenger’s name which received a response that it was Tybalt, this angered him further.

   Before Mercutio can start a rant about how one of the kinsmen of old Capulet can challenge Romeo, Romeo entered the tavern with a loud *ding!* heard from the bells the entrance had.

   “Speaking of the devil.” Benvolio muttered.

   Romeo took a seat beside the duo and ordered for a light drink, his smile remained and indicated that he was happy. Of course, neither Mercutio nor Benvolio knew that a wedding had just occurred.

   This further raised chances of the two asking happy Romeo what happened to him.

   “What’s with the smile, cousin?” Benvolio first asked and took a large sip on his drink.

   “I just married someone.” Romeo happily replied.


   The news surprised the two… well, Mercutio kept his blank face and stare to Romeo after hearing it but Benvolio spat his drink to the poor innocent wooden counter.

   He was speechless and stared at his cousin with his hand holding a clean cloth, washing his poor mouth.

   “Who… is the lucky lass?” Mercutio asked.

   Mercutio passed another piece of clean cloth to Benvolio who happily received it and continued wiping his mouth. Mercutio took a large sip. He was calmly drinking his drink until…

   “Juliet of the Capulet.”


   Mercutio spat out his drink to the counter and this time…

   *cough!* *cough!* *cough!*

   He repeatedly coughed loudly while he was choking. In a swift manner he took large swig of his drink and drunk it hastily. After doing so, he stopped choking and was relieved. He looked at Romeo, who was bewildered at his actions, like Romeo grew a tail.

   “A CAPULET!?” Benvolio said yelled.

   “What seems to be a problem?” Romeo asked obliviously.

   “You married an enemy of yours… that is the problem!” Mercutio pointed out.

   “… Please don’t tell my father…” Romeo uttered out.

   Romeo’s two colleagues cleaned themselves after what happened and calmed themselves. They kept their skeptical stares to Romeo and was speechless after.

   “ROMEO!” A voice called out.

   The three people at the counter looked at the source of the voice, which was the entrance of the tavern, and saw a figure. It was a kinsmen of Capulet and an old acquaintance of Mercutio. It was Tybalt.

   “Gentlemen, a word with one of you?” Tybalt simply said formally and walked to the sitting trio.

   “Make it a word and a blow, you filthy…” Mercutio was interrupted.

   “Thank you for such kind words, Mercutio but I’m afraid that I must make haste.” Tybalt looked to Romeo who was still surprised at Tybalt.

   “I’ve heard that you married my cousin, no? If you did, then I must tell you that our duel will start now.” Tybalt simply said.

   Benvolio tried to make move to Tybalt but he was caught and was stopped by Tybalt’s deathly glare.

   “Peace be with you, a dog from Montague. There is my man.” Tybalt said while pointing to Romeo and keeping his deathly glare to the stuck Benvolio.

   “You dare not.” Benvolio warned.

   Tybalt wore a smug look on his face and turned to Romeo, his look was shot down after when he got kicked to his side by Mercutio.

   Tybalt lost his balance and was swaying side to side while taking steps backward, he regained his balance after when he took a grip at a nearby table behind him.

   “Dishonorable! Tybalt, you are a rat!” Mercutio ran and readied a slash to the recovered Tybalt.

   Tybalt pulled out his rapier and use it to block the incoming downward slash. Mercutio had difficulty pulling back his sword and was kicked to the gut by Tybalt. Mercutio was dazed off and stepped backwards repeatedly.

   He did not made it in time to recover and was unable to block the incoming straight stab from Tybalt.


   Mercutio was stabbed directly on his chest, precisely on the area where his heart was located. He dropped dead in front of the eyes of poor Romeo. He did not expect this fight to happen.

   “Romeo, brave Mercutio is dead!” Benvolio spoke.

   The Brave Mercutio is dead…

  Mercutio is dead…

Mercutio is dead…


   “Tybalt, you will pay!” Romeo angrily said and jumped to the shocked Tybalt, pulling out his own rapier out of its sheaths in the process.

R & J by A.R.Where stories live. Discover now