Chapter 7: Game Over

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Hello my wonderful weirdos! I am busy with schoolwork and what so ever. ANYWAY'S! I hope chu like dis chapter! ♥


~~~Ally's P.O.V~~~

I ran as fast as I could to get away from my 'Sister'. My legs grew tired but I held it in and ran threw the thick fog, I tripped a couple time's but manage to get up. 'Lies,Lies,LIES!!!' It was all I could think of, Maybe im in a dream, Or better yet a coma! Maybe im going crazy, No I would be at a insane asylum.

I manage to get out of the woods and head back to my apartment. I ran threw the crowd of people downtown, They gave me glares or weird looks, But I ignored it. 'I need to end this, If this keeps going on I'll die!' I thought to myself. Once I saw the apartment complex I ran for it. I finally got to my apartment door and unlocked my door and headed to the kitchen. I looked threw some cabnets and found nothing. It was just  my luck, I found a bottle of sleeping pills in my bathroom. These pills can make you 'go to sleep' forever and ever. I felt tears rushing down my face. Today I will end this, Yes I know Rose is still in the hospital, But this is for the best for us. For me..

I pulled the cap open and got about 12 pills and a bottle of water. Just as I was about to swallow one when I heard banging on my front door. "Alexandra Let Us In!" I heard Lacie's voice in anger, And how does she know my full name? I ignored the sceaming and banging and looked at myself in the mirror. My Hazel Green eyes now puffed up red from crying and my skin looked pale. Also my long dark brown hair all messy from the running.

"ALLY. LET. US. IN. NOW!" I heard Jeff's voice, Oh great! Lacie brought the gang too. I ran into my room and locked the door aswell. I swallowed a pill and one by one, I laughed at myself for doing this. "Hahaha , Soon Daddy, Soon" I heard a chainsaw noise coming from the front door. Then it grew louder and louder as it went threw the door. I panicked and quickly hide under my bed. 'please don't find me, I just wanna die, DIE!' I started feeling dizzy. Then I heard the front door break down and I heard footsteps coming towards my room.

"Shit! Where is she?!" I heard BEN walking towards the door trying to find me.

"Does it look like I know shorty?" Lacie was really angry by the sound of her voice.

"I told you to never call me that!"

"Whatever! I think she is in her room" Oh no, Good thing I locked it.

"Where the hell is Slender?!" Jeff sounded angry too. Is everyone angry today?

"He said he will be here soon" Masky didn't sounded mad, He sound's calm.

"He better.." Jeff jiggled the door knob trying to pry it open.

"FUCK!" Jeff pounded the door as hard as he could. My heart was beating faster and faster.

"Let me fucking handle this.." Lacie started up her chainsaw and sawed threw the door. I almost let out a scream but held it in. Are they gonna kill me? Who cares im going to die anyway..In my sleep. I saw all of there feet walking inside my room. My eyes started to close but I forced myself awake to see what wil happen next.

"Hmmmm Where is she?" I heard BEN chuckle.

"Is she in the closet?" I heard Lacie laugh like crazy. What the hell is wrong with these killers?

"Is she under the bed" Just then someone yanked my foot and pulled my from under the bed. I looked at everyone there. Masky, Hoodie, Sally, Jeff, Toby, Lacie and Jack looked at me with shocked looks on there faces. Just then it went black.

***Dream Land wooossshhh!***

I woke up in the middle of the woods. The trees were thick all around me. I was all alone, Suddenly I felt someone watching me, Watching my every move. I felt something wet on my wrist. I looked at my arm in fear. It said ' He Comes ' Who comes? I heard crying, I stood up and started walking towards the crying. I saw Sally crying on the floor. "S-S-Sally?" She didn't hear me, I walked towards her and saw in fear. "N-No Stop Please!" She looked at something but not me. I guess im invisable, Figures.

"NOOOOOOOO STOP IT!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Sudddenly out of the blue, Thousands of hands start to come up from the ground and start to pull her down.

"SALLY!" Tears start rushing down my face as I watch her being pulled down to I guess hell. I fell to my knees and start crying. Then I saw the setting being changed, It was a hill with I guess blood all over the trees and organs all over the ground. I frooze in fear as I saw BEN and Jeff on the ground coughing up blood. Oh god I felt like throwing up.

"H-Help *cough* Us Ally.." They could see me. I walked towards them as I heard whispers saying "Kill them, MAKE THEM SUFFER!" I felt something  on my hand, I looked to see what it was.... A bloody kitchen knife. Then I heard laughing it grew louder and louder. Then I saw the bodys of Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Lacie, Sally, Jeff and BEN in their own pool of blood. No no no no no NO! I killed them.

"Good work Child.." I heard a Deep Raspy voice of a male talking to me.

"Who the fuck are you and what did you make me do?!" I looked around to see nobody.

"I am Lord Zalgo.." I felt anger boiled up in me. I turned around to see two female women looking at me like a freak show. One had pale white skin as Jeff, with a dress and what seems to look like a wig on her, But she had a mask on. Black lips, Big black eyes.

The other one had a purple torn to shreds dress and empty eye sockets with what looked like a mouth, Messy hair and straws on her body.

"Child meet my girls..."

"I'm Jane as in Jane The Killer.."

"And im Scarecrow" Suddenly they charged at me wthout warning. I fell back and felt pain in my chest, I looked down to see my own blood all over my clothes. I heard the The Lord Zalgo laughing at my pain. Then a pain went threw my throat. I choked on my blood and looking at Jane and Scarecrow with a glare...


***Dream Land Over Awwww :'(***

I woke up to myself screaming. I felt pain in my head, I touched my head and pain throbing my head. I looke around to see myself in my room. I looked at the window to see it was dark. I sighed to myself and laid down looking up at the ceiling.

"I see your awake" I looke over my right shoulder to see Lacie smiling at me and walking towards me.

"Look im sorry about what happend and yeah.." I rolled my eyes and kept quiet. Then Lacie ran out of the room. A few seconds later I saw her walkinh in the room with Jeff. I hate him for what he did to my Father. I gave him a death glare and fliped him off.

"L-L-Look Im sorry for what I did to your dad and yeah..sorry" I looked at him and he looked at me. One side of me felt sorry while the other half felt hatred.

"Fine I forgive you" I mummbled and smiled at Jeff.

"Yay! now lets-" Lacie Tripped and made Jeff fall on me. I groaned because of the pain on my stomach, Man he's a fatty! Suddenly he pushed his lips into mine. I qiuckly pushed him aways and felt myself heating up. I saw Jeff run away and I just looked at Lacie like WTF Just happend?

Haii! Im tired and yh...sooooo..


-Yaz ♥

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