Chapter 9: Someone is back...

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Hello, Once again my wonderful Skittles- I mean Weirdos ;3. I am here again c;


~~~Ally's P.O.V~~~

I woke up with a jolt and all sweaty. I had that dream again, What is up with that dream? Is it gonna happen? No it can't be! Is it a sign? No, Thats to silly, Plus maybe I ate something bad! Yeah thats it!

I saw the room was pitch black only to find thing that showed light, The window. I looked at my right shoulder to see the window fully open. "Ha thats weird I thought that was closed" I said to myself. I pushed myself out of bed and walked up to the window. When I finally got to close the window I felt something cold on my neck.

"Miss me?" The voice said. I could tell by the voice it was a female. The person laughed and said, "Don't you know me, Best Friend?" She laughed once more before I let out a scream.

"Ally!" The door slamed open and The person pushed me to the ground and ran towards whoever called my name. I finally got a clear vision and saw who attacked me. Rose.

She had a pale skin, Neon blue shirt, Black baggy jeans and her hair was in a ponytail. She turned around and saw me looking at her. Her face was bloody with Black and White eyes. Then I saw who attacked her, It wasn't just one person it was two. Lacie and Jeff.

I backed away towards the wall and slid down and rocked myself back and fourth. "Hey! Wait I gotta ex-" Rose tried to say something but was soon pined down by Lacie.

"DON'T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON ALLY OR I WILL KILL YOU AND CHOP YOUR GOD DAMM HEAD OFF!" Lacie yelled at the top of her lungs. I was shocked and scared, I didn't know what to do.

"Hey!" I yelled and Jeff and Lacie looked at me in anger in there eyes.

"Let her explain!" I gave Lacie a sign to let go of Rose and finally let her explain.

"Ok, When I was going back home from Californa I got into a car wreck and went to the nearest hospital. After getting some stiches for my head and arms, The doctor told me that my Brothers and Sister didn't make it. I told them about my parents but only to find out that my parents ditched me and my siblings after the car wreck. I cried and cried until, Well until I snapped ! That night I snuck out but it was no use. The nurses where at the lobby. I went back up to find something for them... I finally found a sluge hammer just laying around. When I got down to the lobby, You know what happens next. I was going to search my parents down but I had a change in mind. I decided to vist you and tried not to kill you and stuff." I was shocked and ran up to her to give her a hug.

"Im sorry for what had happend to you" I was about to cry but Rose started to laugh again.

"Sorry?! Hahaha I love the new me! Maybe you forgot what happend to my eyes!" I pulled myself off from the hug and told her what happend to her eyes.

"After my recent killings I went after this Nerd who happend to have a sceince kit! I chased him but he threw something that was liquid. It burned my eyes until I felt them become diffrent. I laughed and finally got him and smashed his skull thirty-seven times!" I felt unsure of what she said, But I manage to acept her now.

"Since were ok with all this crap all four of us are now alone." Lacie said, "Slendy and the others left for a 'mission'" I gave her a nod and left to the living room. I sat down and played with my hair. Then Jeff sat by me.

"Uh hi?" I waved at him but he didn't say anything.

"Hey Mr.Killer are you there!" I waved my hands over his face and yet nothing. "Fine if you don't do or say anything I will do something.." I mumbled.




"ugh! Lets just get this over with!" I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. After for about a second I quickly leaned back and looked at him. His face was pure red! I couldn't help but laugh and laugh.

"What did I miss?" Rose walked backed from the kitchen and saw Jeff's face. Suddenly Rose pulled my arm and pushed me into my room.

"Hey! What was that for?!' I smacked her upside the head. Then smacked back at me.

"Hehehe you like Jeeeeeffffff!" She mocked me and gave me looks.

"N-No I-I D-Dont!" I stutterd really bad.

"Yesh your even blushing!!" She fanirled over my blushing. I laughed and Finally gave in.

"Fine I do! Happy?"

"Yesh.. Now go tell him!" She pushed me out the room and I saw Lacie talking with Jeff. Great!

~~~Lacie P.O.V~~~

I walked in the living room and saw Jeff on the couch sitting up Blushing.

"Hey what happend to you?!" I chuckled and sat next to him

"AllyKissedMe" He said it fast and I could understand it!

"Ohhhhhhhhhh and did you liked it?" He gave me a nod and blushed even more! Inside of me was acting like a fangirl.

"Ask her out!" I pushed him back and fourth until he pushed me off the couch.

"Hey WTF?" I gave him a glare and rolled my eyes. Suddenly I see Ally walking up to Jeff and looking him in the eye.

"ROSE GET THE CAMERA!" I yelled and saw Rose open the door but fell on her face. I laughed and saw her get up.

"Jeff...I gotta tell you som-" I saw Jeff leaning in and gave her a kiss.

"OMG!!!" Me and Rose started to Fangirl. The moment was ruined by an annoying BEN slamming the door open.

"Hey Jeff I brought the drugs you ask-" I tackled BEN to the ground and kised him to shut his trap.

"What is everyone up to today? A kissing day? Wow I just got here and wow.." I heard Rose yelling and ran to the door.


Byez ^~^

-Yaz ♥

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