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He took out his iPad and started browsing some random stuff, gloating from within at the stunt he pulled on stage 10 minutes back.

He could very well spot her flustered face from where he sat and mentally patted himself for his oratory skills that awed the audience but more than that, it taught someone feisty, a very necessary lesson.



Khushi was still in a dazzled state of mind. Did he actually point it all at her?

Someone's mind was oozing with daring and audacity.

Directly or indirectly, her boyfriend had made a public registration of being affected by something. By someone.

And as much as she was angry, for him being pissed off at her for a reason as frivolous as her dancing with her old friend NK, she was happy in an inexplicable way that he was affected so much by her.

By what she did.

By everything that she did.

And this was in itself a big milestone, for it was no hidden fact that Arnav Singh Raizada had always been renowned for being carefree, callous yet intense in his own mysterious ways.

So today Khushi Gupta despite her big fat ego didn't mind tripping it, because she knew how big of a deal it was for that someone to do something like that, that too in a public speech.

She saw him busy with his iPad and thought of ways to approach him, without inviting any unsolicited gazes towards them from the others around, when she suddenly saw Akash run to Arnav and whisper something in his ear.

Arnav seemed a little surprised by whatever Akash told him and then made an agitated face before his cousin ushered him out of the classroom, leaving Khushi to think what happened now?



"You gotta be kidding me Akash!"

He spoke in an irritated tone.

"No bhai, no kidding. But Sahil had to leave in an emergency and you have to take his place, bhai. We have no other options and-"

Akash reasoned only to be cut midway by a furious Arnav who shot back at him,

"You are out of your mind Akash. No way in hell am I gonna do this!"

"But bhai please try to understand. There's no one else who can do this at the 11th hour and we all can only count on you."

"Yeah? Why don't you do it then?"

Arnav retorted as his brother looked at him with a puppy dog face and said, "Bhai, don't you think I would have if I could have? Prof. Verma has called me for a discussion on the research paper sometime back. I should be there right now, but I just simply can't leave till this issue is fixed!"

Poor Akash tried beyond his perimeters to convince the stringent Arnav but the latter was synonymous with a stone carving.



"Bhai, our department's reputation is at stake."


And he wasn't a Raizada just like that.

Akash had to have some amount of those manipulative tactics genes, which Arnav had in abundance.

And he could already see his word mojo do wonders in mere seconds as he could see an evident change in Arnav's expressions.

Akash used the trump card aptly for he knew his brother so well. To him his reputation came first and second came his department-- which of course included academic pride, achievement, and swag.

ArShi SS: The 10 Days Challenge[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now