Ch. 3 September 1st

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Leo POV:

It was like a battlefield. Screams pierced the air. People were tackling each other in suffocating hugs. Leo stepped off the bus and looked around. Although he was not sure what he was looking for, he scanned the crowd. Leo glanced at the crumpled schedule that he pulled out of his backpack and looked it over.

1st period: Geometry

2nd period: Chemistry

3rd period: Physical Education

4th period: Latin

5th period: Lunch

6th period: World History

7th period: English

8th period: Wood Shop

Great, he thought sarcastically, I have to wait until 8th hour for a class that I actually like.

Nico POV:

Nico and Hazel compared schedules and figured out they only had one class and lunch together.

1st period: Geometry

2nd period: Chemistry

3rd period: Physical Education

4th period: Latin

5th period: Lunch

6th period: English

7th period: World History

8th period: Wood Shop

1st period: Geometry honors

2nd period: World history

3rd period: English

4th period: Latin

5th period: Lunch

6th period: Physical Education

7th period: Chemistry

8th period: Drawing and Sketching

Nico was disappointed, Hazel felt like one of the only people he could actually talk to without making a fool of himself.

Hazel and Nico split up to find their lockers.

The Geometry room Was aligned with towns of desks all facing a larger desk with a white board and chalk board behind it.

"What's up Nicky!" Jason called to Nico. Jason was a good friend that Nico had met over the summer. He introduced him to mostly everyone in their current friend group now.

"Please don't call me that." Nico sighed with a slight joke in his tone and sat down in his seat.

"How was the rest of your summer?" Jason asked.

"Same as always," Nico muttered quietly and look down at his hands, hoping to avoid anymore conversation. His summers were never fun it was mostly Persephone trying to teach him how to garden, but eventually giving up and moving onto teaching Hazel.

The teacher walked into the classroom and the loud conversations dropped to quiet whispers. Everyone had already heard how strict Mrs. Athena is. "Good morning I see all of you have found seats next to your friends," she said scanning the room with a look of distain on her face. "Let's change that," she said with an evil undertone in her voice. The class groaned. The teacher, Mrs. A, started calling out names and pointing to desks. The classroom had sixteen desks arranged in pairs with an aisle down the middle. Jason sat in the second row next to Piper, who was another one of Nico's friends. Across the aisle from Jason sat Percy and Rachel. (A/N No Perachel, I promise.)

Finally there were  four seats left and only three kids left standing, awkwardly holding their things in their hands. Nico was still standing, along with Octavian who is a huge jerk, and some kid Nico had never seen before. "NICO DIANGELO," Mrs. A yelled to make sure she had been heard, "BACK LEFT CORNER! MISTER VALDEZ IS TO SIT NEXT TO HIM." It was like a huge weight had been lifted of his chest. If Nico had to spend an entire year sat next to Octavian he didn't know what he would do. Octavian sat alone in the back right row next to an empty desk with a permanent scowl plastered on his face.

"NOW THEN!" Mrs. A bellowed in an attempt to silence the students. Everyone's heads turned to the front of the classroom. "We will begin todays lesson with the basics and finding out what you remember from last year." Mrs. A's voice faded to the background as Nico tried to tune her out.

"You know if you take a picture it'll last longer" The boy next to Nico said with a smirk.

Nico looked away, his cheeks flushed a deep reddish purple. He hadn't realized he had been staring. "S-Sorry," he stuttered.

"It's okay, I'll take it as a compliment. I'm Leo by the way," the boy said holding out his hand.

"I'm Nico." He scowled, ignoring Leo's extended hand and trying to make himself seem as guarded and unapproachable as possible.

"Having a bad day?" Leo said quietly and slightly accusingly, having taken some offense to Nico's tone.

Nico ignored him.

Mrs. A finished the lesson with a review of the importance of doing your homework, but was cut off by the bell. People got up and stampeded towards the door on the way to their next class. Nico went to find Hazel since the chemistry and AP world history class rooms were near each other.

Leo POV:

Jeez, Leo thought. What was that guy's problem? Leo thought that he seemed like one of those 'strong and silent' characters from the movies. Leo figured he was just grumpy because it was the first day of school. Going to a building, sitting, and learning useless information for seven hours straight is enough to dampen anyone's mood.

Leo knew he had a lot of time before he need to actually be in the chemistry classroom, but since he had no friends he decided to go straight there. He walked into the science classroom. The walls were a slightly unsettling lime green and a name, "Mrs. Hecate", was written on the board. Leo looked at the desks arranged in rows of four and the lab stations on the left and right sides of the classroom. Then he saw him. It was the dark haired boy from geometry. What was his name? Leo thought. Nico! That's it. He remembered.

Leo was determined to make this kid like him. He didn't know why, but the way Nico was so standoffish towards Leo made him want to prove that he wasn't as annoying as Nico thought. Maybe it was spite or maybe...

Leo snapped out of his thoughts and sat down next to Nico.

Nico POV:

Nico had found Hazel, but decided not to go and talk to her because she was talking to Frank. So he went to the Chemistry classroom early. He had a feeling Hazel and Frank liked each other, so he couldn't help but glare at Frank whenever they were in the same room. He actually didn't mind Frank. Nico is just really protective of Hazel. Especially after what happened to Bianca.

Bianca... Nico became sorrowful at the thought, he was so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn't notice the tears rolling down his cheeks.

He also didn't notice who sat down next to him two minutes ago.

(A/N) I'm going to end this chapter on that cliff hanger muahaha. Anyway I hope you guys are liking this because I honestly think it's terrible, but oh well the world needs more Leico/Valdangelo fanfiction so here I am. (I can never figure out what ship name to use) ~Mel ❤️

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