9. Francis the Bulldog

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I slipped my foot gently into the supple lining of my nude colored pump, which Olivia insisted I wear today.

I had little experience in journalism, but the job description at WGN TV station didn't call for it. I would basically be a part of the production team, behind the scenes. I had already done a first interview earlier in the week and then got a callback for today.

The job title was production assistant, and I'd be responsible for cutting together news segments, preparing commercial breaks and typing things into the teleprompter. It seemed like an incredibly technical job, but when I called to inquire about an interview, the lady said my background would be fine for it. I didn't know what a bachelor's degree in literature had to do with TV, but I was excited nonetheless. Plus, there was the added bonus of Olivia being nearby since she worked in wardrobe.

I stood up from the bed and checked myself in the mirror on the wall. I looked very professional in my high-waisted cream skirt and silky red top. Theshoes were more dangerous than what I would have chosen, but it worked. I wasn't going to complain. I brushed my hair quickly, putting it in a loose bun at the nape of my neck, before doing final touch ups.

I checked my bag, making sure I had copies of my resume, and everything else I might need for the interview.

I made it downstairs and found Jaxon reading a gun magazine in the kitchen.

I sniffed the air when I walked in. "What's that smell?"

He shrugged. "I don't smell anything."

I rushed over to the toaster, which had bread stuffed inside, and pulled the plug when smoke started to billow upwards. "You forgot you were making something?"

"Oh, yeah. My peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Damn it." He took the charcoaled bread out and inspected it. "Can I still eat it?"

"Be my guest." I went into the fridge and poured myself some orange juice. "Are you ready for your first day of school?"

"I don't want to go."

"You know the rules."

"Still, I can get a job anywhere without even needing a degree. I don't want to go." He plopped back down in his seat.

"Don't be nervous. I'm sure the other kids will like you if you play nice." I sat next to him.

"Ha, ha. Very funny."

This was his first day at Northwestern and I didn't know the details, but Justin had to pull some strings. Since the semester had already started, Jaxon couldn't just walk into class. He had to be transferred, but Jaxon had never gone to school before. There was a big thing with fake records, and Jeremy had to sign a bunch of stuff; I didn't get into it. Anyway, Jaxon was now a college freshman, and even though he wouldn't tell me, he was nervous as hell.

I checked the clock. "Shouldn't you get going? Your first class is starting soon."

"I guess so. What if I'm not as smart as the other people there? They've been going to school for years."

"You know you have a smart brain, so use it."

He nodded and exhaled, "You're right. I'm fucking amazing."

"And so modest." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to rock the shit out of that place." He kissed my cheek and then bolted from the table. "Bye, Maddie. I'll be back this afternoon."

I watched from the window as he pulled out of the garage in his new black Range Rover and peeled onto the street, going entirely too fast. I would have to talk to him about that later.

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