21. Suspicion

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I started to separate the whites and colors monotonously in our laundry room. It felt good to be home, but the chores were hell. Colors into one pile, whites into the machine. Boring.

We had returned from Spain three days ago, and after resting up, it was now time to get back to life. Two weeks away was beautiful, though. After the robbery, things just went smoothly. We didn't have to worry about crimes or business and focused on losing ourselves in Spanish splendor.

The security people from the bank called and informed me of my "missing ring". It wasn't that hard to cry because of my hormones, so I put on a show overthe phone. I threatened to sue, and even got Justin to yell at them for a couple of minutes. Then we put the entire incident out of our minds. I didn't know what was in the safety deposit box that he stole, and I didn't ask. When it came to this, the less I knew the better.

After a couple days of rest, I was back to being normal Maddie. The one who did chores and went to work. I did have to sleep for a full twenty-four hours, though. I think it was that long. I wasn't really sure between the jetlag and my exhaustion. Justin, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to sleep. He went right back to work and already looked worn out. It was as if our vacation hadn't happened at all.

I high hiss sounded from behind me, and I turned around quickly.

"Holy shit!" I screeched. "Jaxon!"

Valentino was slithering along on the floor. He was unthreatening, and most of the time I forgot about him, but he still snuck up on me. Jaxon said he had missed us while we were away. He slunk over to me and rubbed his head on my leg.

"Oh, sorry, Maddie." Jaxon came in and lifted him up. "I'm cleaning out his cage. I forgot he was in here."

"You can't do that." I stomped my foot. "When the baby gets here, that thing can't come inside. I mean it."

"I know; I'll be more careful." He wrapped Valentino around his neck and arms, carrying him out.

Ten minutes later, Jaxon was back.

"Maddie, I can't find my gray sweatshirt." He came into the laundry room with no shirt. "You know the one I'm talking about?"

"The one with the blue stripes or the white?"

"The white. Where is it?" He went through the clothesbaskets. "I know I left it here somewhere."

"I don't know. I haven't washed it yet, but if you cleaned your room once every month, you might be able to find something."

"Jane loves that thing," he thought out loud. "I wanted to wear it for our lunch date today."

Odds were: she had it, but I didn't tell him that.

"It'll turn up," I told him. "Here, wear this." I handed him something else.

"Alright, fine." He pulled it over his head.

"Are you ready for summer classes?" I asked.

"No, but I'll go because you're making me."

"You have to catch up. You're already behind from missing a full semester."

The regular school calendar had ended, but Jaxon needed to still be in school. Justin and I were forcing him to take a few classes over the summer. He didn't like that very much. It wasn't like he had a choice in the matter.

"I hate school." He crossed his arms, leaning against the dryer.

"School is good for you."

"I still hate it." Jaxon checked his watch. "Shit, I gotta go."

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