41. Epilogue 1 - 5 Years Later

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5 years later...

"Justin, I don't know why you always wait to do these things." Keegan spoke to me angrily over the phone.

"Because I keep forgetting."

"If I ever forgot my anniversary, Bridget would chop my balls off."

"Yeah, well, can you just make the reservations? They like you better at the restaurant."

"Fine, but I'm not babysitting."

"I've got that covered." I spun around in my chair. "Thanks so fucking much."

I put the phone down and ran my hands through my hair, a habit that wouldn't ever set me free.

It was only eleven in the morning, and I already felt like I had been through a full day. Papers were strewn across my large desk and my computer screen flicked with documents of all kinds.

"Okay, Justin, dinner reservations made," I said to myself, checking things off of my mental list. "What next?"

A small giggle interrupted my thoughts. I sat up a little straighter, listening for it again. Maybe I was going crazy.

I smiled slightly when I saw ten small digits curl around the edge of my desk. A shock of dark brown hair followed, and then bright golden eyes. The head ducked down quickly, giggling again.

"Who might that be?" I tapped my pen against the wood.

"Shhhhh." Another voice was added to the first.

"Oh, two of them?" I got up from my chair and walked slowly around the desk, being sure my feet made heavy sounds.

Their giggling got louder as they ran away from me.

"You'll never catch us!" Sophia darted across the room, her long brown hair flowing as she ran. Roman chased after her, but he wasn't as fast. I snatched him up by his ankle and held him in the air.

"And what exactly are you two doing?" I asked.

"We're bored. Take us to the zoo." He smiled. "Please."

"You know I can't do that." I swung him from side to side, his arms flinging around. His shirt fell down, revealing his stomach, which I poked. "I have work to do."

"You always have work to do." Sophia skipped out of the bathroom, dancing around in a light blue, summery dress.

I set Roman down on the floor. His pale face had turned a tomato red, and he swayed from side-to-side, trying to get his bearings.

"Mama says we're here so you can relax. You're not relaxing," Sophia said, very matter-of-factually.

"Well, your mother forgets that I can't take breaks like she can." I sat back down in my chair. They came over to me, looking just as identical as the day they were born. Everything about them was the same. It was eerily shocking at times.

"But you promised you would take us," Roman pouted.

"Did I?" I put my glasses on. "As I recall, you didn't want to visit the zoo because you were afraid of the tigers."

"No, that was Sophia," he protested.

"Was not!" she shouted. "I'm not afraid, Daddy."

They began to argue in their language, which I would never be able to understand. They talked so fast that it was impossible to catch. When the argument got physical, I lifted Roman up and placed him on the other side of the desk.

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